SOF Week Registration Is Open

AUSA – Oxx Coffeebox

Most everyone appreciates a cup of coffee in the morning. Doubly so when in the field. During Outdoor Retailer Summer Market 2015, we saw the Oxx Coffeebox. During my discoursing with the creator, I suggested he check out the military market. At this week’s AUSA, there he was. Coffee and Soldiers are like peas and carrots.

The 120v Coffeebox is the world’s first ruggedized coffeemaker. It is K-cup compatible and brews a hot cup of coffee in 90 seconds. Designed for use in rigged environments, it’s crush proof as well as impact, water and dust resistant.

They’ve even introduced a Tan version. Military discounts available.


14 Responses to “AUSA – Oxx Coffeebox”

  1. Jon says:

    No TOC will be complete without one now.

  2. Riceball says:

    So, it’s tactical Keureg?

  3. Soon to be BII for all mechanized and wheeled vehicles on a squad basis. I don’t envy the poor bastard that has to jump that in though (sarcasm)

  4. Patrick says:

    I almost backed this on Kickstarter a few years back, but money was tight. Now that they have a tan version and Black Rifle Coffee Company makes K Cups? My poor wallet

  5. Ahisa says:

    They need to get an NSN in this PDQ!

  6. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    One for every TOC! One for every Warrant! One for every command vehicle!

  7. Stu says:

    I think every battalion commander and up in the Army just collectively shuddered at the amount of Urgent Needs Statements they’ll have to sign.

  8. Joe T. says:

    I have one of these. Best thing since sliced bread. Sent one down range.
    Team loves it.

  9. Hobbs says:

    Came for the coffee machine, stayed for the snarky warrant officer comments. Wasn’t disappointed.

    • ThatBlueFalcon says:

      Hey, I’ve never met a warrant that didn’t walk towards the sound of the coffee.

  10. BS says:

    Do they work with original K-cups only? Any replacement possible in Europe?

  11. Joe momma says:

    Every neck beard melon labia tree presenter is gonna want one of these in the kitchen. Or bunker

  12. MED says:

    Hopefully working on some way to operate on battery power