GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Colt 6920LE-CCU

The Colt Combat Unit Carbine combines a mid-length gas system, Magpul furniture and an M-Lok rail system from Centurion Arms.

The carbine was developed with input from Mike Pannone, Daryl Holland and Ken Hackathorn.

Look for the CCU this month from Talo Inc.

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35 Responses to “Colt 6920LE-CCU”

  1. TM says:

    Holy shit, that might be the best “ready out of the box” AR I’ve ever seen.

  2. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    Well, about damn time. I’m glad Colt took some feedback, this looks like a solid choice.

  3. PTMCCAIN says:

    Wait…Colt did this?


    Will be interesting to see what the street price on it is.

  4. JCcypress says:

    I feel like I’m missing what the big deal is here. So they took one of their OEM rifles and added base level Magpul furniture and a mid-to-lower end rail with a proprietary barrel nut.

    I’m not trying to hate on it- I love my 6920 – but, the same (and arguably better) gun can be assembled by a 7th grader in 20 minutes for under a grand.

    Please, enlighten me.

  5. xpoqx says:

    Armalite is offering a similar setup on their M-15 Light Tactical Carbine, the rail is little shorter, but it still comes with that factory warranty. Oh and it’s $300 less.

    I’d still get this though, as I’m looking to get two 6920s, I’d definitely make one of them this. I’m really digging these factory optioned guns with the monolithic top rails.

  6. Eric says:

    I’m sorry but it took three, although experienced persons, to tell colt to put a rail and midlength gas system on a AR?

    It just seems like a name drop and nothing more.

    • Diddler says:

      Every company name drops. Ever heard of a BCM gunfighter? Decades of awesome on that roster. People buy BCM guns because kickass dudes are on that list.

      The guys on this list from Colt aren’t exactly slouches.

      • Eric says:

        Yes every company name drops.

        However you point out BCM, the big difference there is that they actually make the stuff they add to their rifles. So yes it’s name dropped but the prized accessories of a rail isn’t even made by colt in this scenario.

        Which really doesn’t matter.

        Colt makes weapons. They only improve them after years of seeing what other people do – which I don’t blame them for but it’s a “who cares” every time they release something because their timetable is 10 to 15 years past the industry.

        • TM says:

          Pretty sure Colt was making AR’s before BCM. And BCM didn’t start making furniture and hand guards until just a few short years ago.

          The only reason I’ve ever bought BCM over Colt was because they offered middys.

  7. PaulM says:

    Crappy pic but looks like a Centurion Arms MLOK CMR rail. It appears Colt is finally catching up to BCM, Daniel Defense, LMT and a bunch of others who have been eating their lunch for years. This is not unlike when Colt “discovered” that 1911 pistols were really popular with the buying public and started re-emphasizing their own…..just when the market peaked.

  8. Diddler says:

    I’d like to add, to all those geniuses that have been complaining about a lot not building what they want (midlength):

    This is purely based on market demand. Colt made midlength guns before most were alive or out of school. They decided it wasn’t needed. Decades and an Internet later, public in all of its engineering and design expertise desired it was. Colt finally caved.

    I say this as an early (Clinton AWB era) adopter of the midlength, as in when I was talking about it only two POS companies made them and everyone thought I was making it up.

    • PaulM says:

      “Colt made midlength guns before most were alive or out of school. They decided it wasn’t needed. Decades and an Internet later, public in all of its engineering and design expertise desired it was.”

      Really? Please provide evidence for Colt’s experience with the mid-length gas system. I’m pushing 60 and I think I know the black rifle’s history pretty well. I have never heard that before.

      The mid-length gas system was developed by Mark Westrom of the Eagle Arms/Armalite company (not the original Armalite). If Colt decided it wasn’t needed it was probably because the military specification for the M-4 called for a carbine length gas tube….and they didn’t feel it was worth the effort to offer anything different for the civilian marketplace.

      As to the utility of the mid-length, there are plenty of highly experienced and reputable armorers, not garden-variety gunsmiths, who would dispute your assertion that it is just a whim of the buying public. For evidence, take a look at BCM’s offering of 14.5″ and 16″ barrels and you’ll see that they are overwhelmingly in the mid-length configuration. Paul Buffoni, BCM’s owner, is not one known to follow fads.

      • SEK.RTG says:

        I want to say he is correct. Don’t recall model number, I’ll have to check “The Black Rifle”. Colt also produced the first piston AR, the Model 703.

        • PaulM says:

          I checked both Black Rifle books. Colt experimented with a lot of barrel lengths the gas system lengths seemed fixated on the carbine length tube or the rifle length gas tube. Even if they did try mid-length, that’s a far cry from the OP’s statement that “Colt made midlength guns before most of us were alive or out of school” implying that they had produced them in quantity or that they had somehow subjected them to detailed testing. I simply find no evidence of that.
          Historical nitpicking aside, the fact remains that today very few companies produce 14.5″ or 16″ barrels with carbine length gas tubes. I happen to believe that the dominance of the mid-length gas system is based on the real benefit of lower pressure at the BCG, less wear and tear on parts and slightly less recoil pulse. 16″ barrels benefit more from mid-length than do 14.5″ which tend to be more finicky.
          It’s about time that Colt entered the 21st Century and started offering a 16″ middy.

  9. DSM says:

    Better get on a waiting list if you really want one. Hillary gets elected in a few weeks and the panic will ensue. Whatever the MSRP is the street price will be double and they’ll get it.

  10. DAN III says:

    The depicted weapon is just a other ARmalite all gussied up, primarily with name dropping. Give me a Bravo Company or a Noveske or a Daniel Defense or a Knight’s Armament ARmalite any day over a pieced together, 21st Century Colt pieced ARmalite. BTW….Knight’s Armament employed Eugene Stoner. Stoner working at KAC until his death.

    Colt ? If you were just a common citizen you couldn’t buy a Colt as they, for the longest time, put all their eggs in the fedgov basket. Now that the globalist USA government has abandoned American small arms manufacturers for foreign small arms manufacturers (it’s a global economy doncha know ?) Colt is once again selling (pandering) to the citizen, the common slob, market.

    Colt ? No thanks. I’ll stick with domestic manufacturers who stepped in to fill the Colt void. Manufacturers who have and continue to provide, arms to the American citizenry to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    • Thulsa Doom says:

      “Colt ? If you were just a common citizen you couldn’t buy a Colt as they, for the longest time, put all their eggs in the fedgov basket. Now that the globalist USA government has abandoned American small arms manufacturers for foreign small arms manufacturers (it’s a global economy doncha know ?) Colt is once again selling (pandering) to the citizen, the common slob, market.”

      What are you attempting to get at?

      Are you bitter 35 years later over the M9 besting the Smith and Wesson 59? Do you pine for the M-60 over the M-240?

      Colt made many blunders over the last 50 years with the bankruptcies to prove it, but I suspect your projecting personal malice onto a company that pursued large contracts as opposed to dealing with individual consumers.

      • Thulsa Doom says:

        you’re projecting, rather. Apologies for the grammatical error but not the sentiment.

        • DAN III says:


          Colt totally ignored the citizen consumer. They could have easily provided content to the citizenry. They chose not to.

          Beretta bested S&W 30 years ago ? That political gift to NATO, Italy and Beretta gave us cracked slides and frames and crappy ergonomics in the guise of the M92. The M92 political decision was akin to the debacle of the garbage UCP camo pattern besting the superior Multicam pattern 12 years ago. So much for DoD “competition”.

          Certainly you can defend Colt as much as you want. That’s your choice. But, my earlier rostered list of small arms manufacturers are my “go-to” providers. Not Colt. And for good reason.

  11. JBar says:

    Colt, be professional. “handgaurd”?

  12. Disco says:

    Centurion Arms is Monty Leclair.

    This rifle almost makes too much sense to be a Colt.

    Regardless, I approve!

  13. Todd says:

    I’m down for one, the only thing to upgrade would be the trigger.

  14. AbnMedOps says:

    What’s the deal with the lack of a heat shield on the inside of most of these M-Lok or Key-Mod perforated metal tube fore-end thingies? Isn’t it awfully hot on the hands? Or is the metal an adequate thermal sink? Or is everyone wearing Nomex gloves?