RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Christmas Is Coming

You guys know how much I love Tigerstripe, so of you all pitch in a couple of thousand bucks apiece, you can get this for me for Christmas.

18 Responses to “Christmas Is Coming”

  1. jbgleason says:

    I have seen GoFundMe accounts set up for much worse things.

  2. Lone Element says:

    Thats awesome!

  3. Pat says:

    oh yeah I like that

  4. Maybe careful in states where the green stuff’s still illegal.

  5. Gerard says:

    Its the least we can do for the owner of our fav blog

  6. SVGC says:

    I dunno if this crowd can pull that off. Maybe a beat up white Opel with orange fenders or a blue Bongo.

  7. Disco says:

    A Rice Burner in Asian Tiger Stripe?

    ……I accept this.

  8. Nick says:

    You could always just wrap your current vehicle.

  9. Brian Ma says:

    You should post a photo credit from where you found this.

  10. JKifer says:

    ya want those hot pink wheels too bro?

  11. Dellis says:

    What car? All I see are pink wheels

  12. babola says:

    And if you ask Alicia Keys nicely she may just be willing to join you during Christmas festivities in her own camo dress:


  13. Rob says:

    Man doze rims be Gehhhtoe!