SIG SAUER - Never Settle

We’re Back!

The situation with the SSD’s former webhosting platform became untenable yesterday at about 1000 EST when they explained that they couldn’t undo the server configuration that was causing the issue. At that point, they shut us down and told us we had to move.

We had to scramble to find a new Webhost and the team at Inmotion Hosting, here in Virginia’s Tidewater stepped up to the plate, working late into the night to get this site back online.

We can’t thank them enough.

Please bear with us as older image files load to support our extensive archives and inmotion tweaks performance on the new server.


10 Responses to “We’re Back!”

  1. Karl Adcock says:

    Welcome back SSD.

  2. Howard says:

    Care to share who your old host was? I’m in the process of getting ready to move a few sites and I’d rather not move to a lacking company.

  3. The Monkey says:

    Sounds like needed the move anyway if those jokers’ solution was to leave! Good to see demand is rocking, but not exactly over here on complexity.

  4. dan says:

    I’d be in withdrawals without SSD

  5. MRC says:

    Will the new platform support SSDs ecomm sales as well?

  6. Chuck says:

    Can’t keep a good man down.

  7. AGL Bob says:

    I thought there was something wrong with my antenna.

  8. TheHappyCamper says:

    SSD, why have you forsaken me?

  9. txJM says:

    Been there, done that, and that’s why I don’t do it anymore. Fun memories of changing hosts from my hotel room at SHOT.

  10. Tim says:

    Welcome back!