RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

History Channel – The Selection: Special Operations Experiment

History Channel has introduced a new series called, “The Selection: Special Operations Experiment” which stars my friend Tyler Grey. So far, I’ve watched the first episode but they have already aired the second.

The eight episode, unscripted series follows those with no military background as they are coached by SOF Veterans who put them through event after event which are modeled on those used for SOF assessment and selection programs.


17 Responses to “History Channel – The Selection: Special Operations Experiment”

  1. cj says:

    Look to SAS Who Dares Wins also. A rare insight into the minds of modern GWOT era SAS/SBS soldiers who conduct a very similar TV show.

  2. Dellis says:

    I like military type shows and movies but personally I feel certain military units of the US should remain as low profile and off radar as possible. I kinda see it as, if we can watch it so can our enemies.

    I could be wrong on that outlook

    • SSD says:

      This isn’t real. It’s based on the types of events a candidate might experience. Nothing operational so far.

      • Dellis says:

        Right, this is more based on reality type program and my fault for not better clarifying that I meant all the “Behind the scene” type shows that imbed a reporter/journalist with a unit or within their training.

  3. Robert says:

    Outstanding thus far.

  4. Chris says:

    Reminds me of just a really long GoRuck Challenge.

  5. Rob371 says:

    If no one is forced to put vomit (aka weakness) in their pocket during a smoke session in the pit, I’ll be disappointed.

  6. Johno says:

    No one ever wants to try a military chef reality show, hardest course in the military, no one has ever passed it.

  7. Jeff says:

    I only wish that I would have taken what opportunity earlier in life. I had a Ariforce Career, although due to elderly grandparents keeping the promise to keep them from a nursing home was more important than my needs. I was able to work many decades as a Nationally Registered Paramedic. Within a private service ran with mitary discipline. I wish I could prove it that even at my now 54 and retire and many work injuries. Wish to test myself. To prove you Can take dog out of the hunt but not the hunt out of the dog..Great show please continue many seasons.

  8. Kevin says:

    Anyone please advise if you know how to submit an application for season two. Send info to KJR940@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance!

  9. Vince C says:

    Love the show!

  10. Pat says:

    yea if anyone does know how to submit an app for the selection please let me know at patrickriley14@yahoo.com

  11. Does the Instructors,,or other get paid anything for all they do?? Great job,,,
    Thanks so much…

  12. Chance says:

    Please do more seasons this was hands down my favorite show ever watched, I love history channel and I’ve seen similar buds training shows, but this was awesome, I love this country! god bless America and our military!!!

  13. Paul Oxley says:

    Absolutely LOVED this show. Retired Navy Senior Chief (24 yrs) in 2010 and this was exactly up my alley on my line of thinking how to mentor, mold, shape and challenge someone mentally/emotionally/physically. My most pivotal moment was when 12 finished and he broke down, reminded me of the CPO Induction process. When I finished I was so happy, exhausted & thankful that I broke down the exact same way. Nothing better than challenging yourself and finding more within yourself than you knew – and to be part of an accepted team of brothers and sisters that you love, trust and respect.


  14. Jon richter says:

    Please does anyone know what gray pant the instructors are wearing please let me know my email is jrichterpmf@gmail.com