RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Sneak Peek – Kinetic Research Group To Introduce Action

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s to come from KRG.


6 Responses to “Sneak Peek – Kinetic Research Group To Introduce Action”

  1. J Galt says:

    Glad to see SSD found this 🙂 We’ll be posting more details as SHOT gets closer. Thanks guys!
    Justin (KRG)

  2. 18Derp says:

    This is the only place I could reverse image search and find this picture.

    Looks like yet another 700-action, no?

    • SSD says:

      This is the next step for KRG. They’ve been building Chassis for awhile.

    • J Galt says:

      It’s on our Instagram and our Facebook.

      It’s pretty far from a Rem 700 apart from the real basic stuff like it’s round bodied and the barrel threads in.
      Justin (KRG)

  3. Fritzthedog says:

    Very nice!
    I have some questions:
    -Any idea what the retail on this action (short action version)
    -Will it accommodate AW mags?

  4. thedude says:

    I see similarities to the sako trg and mausingfield. Slotted rail, and recoil slots or dovetails. Nice base for mounting optics.