SureFire XC3

Magpul – PMAG 30 AR 300 B for 300 BLK Shipping This Spring

The PMAG 30 AR 300 B GEN M3 is a purpose-designed magazine for rifles chambered in .300 Blackout. Since its inception, 300 Blackout shooters have had to use a magazine designed for another cartridge, limiting its performance and compatibility. One of the nice features of 300 Blackout is the compatibility with 5.56x45mm parts, but with the magazine it is a compromise to do so. Due to the wide variety of projectile weights and shapes potentially decreasing overall reliability, a dedicated 300 Blackout magazine was a logical step for the PMAG line.

In addition to the performance gained by a dedicated mag, the PMAG 30 AR 300 B also offers a safer way to feed your 300 BLK rifle. When using 5.56 mags, the potential to chamber and fire a 300 BLK round in a 5.56 rifle with catastrophic results requires diligent ammunition management by the shooter. The PMAG 30 AR 300 B’s distinct rib design provides the shooter a distinct visual and tactile difference from any other PMAG to mitigate dangerous cross-loading issues. Along with optimized 300 BLK performance, the PMAG 30 AR 300 B brings along all of the GEN M3 features such as our next-generation impact and crush resistant polymer, aggressive front and rear texture, an easily removable slim floor plate, a paint pen dot matrix for marking and identification, and a dust/impact cover.

• Dedicated, purpose-designed magazine for rifles chambered in 300 Blackout
• Optimized internal geometry accommodates the wide variety of bullet profiles used in 300 Blackout cartridges
• Distinct rib design provides the shooter a visual & tactile difference from any other pmag to mitigate dangerous cross-loading
• Carries forward the physical & performance features of the rest of the GEN M3 line

20 Responses to “Magpul – PMAG 30 AR 300 B for 300 BLK Shipping This Spring”

  1. Jbgleason says:

    Just throwing this out there on the chance someone at MagPul is listening… The ID issue is very real with 5.56 and .300. How about some distinctive visual help in addition to the ribbing? Like an option for a different color base plate or something? I get that the molds are made and all but just adding a mixed color option would be awesome.

  2. Jason says:

    Wasn’t the point of .300blk to utilize magazines already in inventory?

    • St says:

      Exactly. Something where it isn’t needed.

    • mike says:

      Anyone who uses 300blk knows you go through your mags and your mark/save any mags that feed your 300Blk of choice reliably and repeatedly. Why not take it a step further and provide a dedicated mag that will work out the gate without a round of testing? Users can still fish through their current mags if they want that base mag compatibility, but for those who want dedicated 300blk mags that are right the first time or even people who don’t currently have mags and are buying FOR 300blk this makes sense. If you’re not into it you can just buy more 556 PMAGs, but I’m going to get an armload of these for sure.

  3. jjj0309 says:

    For what purpose? Is the reliable issue on stock magazine really a thing?

  4. DAN III says:

    300 BLK….more MAGPUL concentration solving a non-problem. In the meantime their long-awaited UBR Gen2 buttstock is delayed AGAIN….until “Spring 2017” !

    Seems like MAGPUL is going down the road of General Motors….too big to be able to identify with their customer base.

    • PNWTO says:

      You do know their customer base is bigger than simply the American commercial market, right?

  5. SGT Rock says:

    They need to make mags for 6.8 SPC. Nuff said!

      • mike says:

        I think SGT is looking for non-proprietary 6.8 AR PMAGs, but that’s unlikely as LWRC already locked them up. Things like that put a crimp on proliferation and stifle purchases; people often look to available and easy mags for caliber decisions. The whole reason I never got a 7.62×39 AR upper was at the time there was no abundance of manufacturers with available mags. The same is true for 6.8 ARs. Sure, there are one or two options out there, but once Magpul makes a mag they’re instantly available across a large chain. 6.8 Pmags that weren’t under LWRC lock-and-key could have done awesome things for the caliber, but instead it just stalled at the gate. The most recent move of making them specific to LWRC’s rifle, while cool for those users, makes adoption of that caliber even harder for average people or departments with small budgets who need guys to be able to just grab mags off the shelf if they want more.

    • 18Derp says:

      It’s over.

      6.8 is very dead. 300blk won.

  6. Joe2 says:

    Is this a solution looking for a problem or a solution looking at the SIG MCX LVAW?

  7. big daddy says:

    I wonder how many of you that are commenting have both AR15s in 5.56 and 300BO?

    I like having a dedicated mag for it. I wish somehow it cannot load 5.56 but I doubt it. If it helps with the reliability of the 300BO than by all means it is a great idea. There are so many different bullets loaded in 300 these days.

    I don’t understand this attitude against something that is an improvement even if slight. It might help the few that might for some reason mix the two and have a kaboom ruining a good firearm and potentially injuring the user.

    I specifically used a Noveske lower with a tight magwell for my 300BO. It is tight with Magpul mags, so I only use Lancers. I just bought some D&H mags for the 300BO from Brownells and will test them soon.

    I did everything I could to make my 300 different from my other ARs. I used as many gray parts as I could and an upper from Yankee Hill that says 300BO on it. As well as an ejection port cover that says 300BO. Anything to keep me from making the dreaded mistake.

  8. Randy Boyte says:

    If possible do you have a release date for
    The 300blackout pmag