RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

BCM’s Homage To John Wick


John Wick Chapter 2 is now out in theaters, so it seems an appropriate time to put up this series of photos BCM released as an homage to the John Wick series.


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24 Responses to “BCM’s Homage To John Wick”

  1. Dellis says:

    4 showings pretty much sold out tonight. Got tickets for tomorrow night though!

    Hearing great reviews on John Wick 2, also loving the pictures

  2. rEODiculous says:

    Uh, why use a female model if she is fully clothed? Where is Matt Best when you need a bikini finger snap!

  3. miclo18d says:

    John Wick or Joan Wick?

    I’m confused! Must be my cis-gendered brain being antifeminist again. Forgive me!

  4. Lcpl1066 says:

    If I had an advertising model that generally excluded half the population I would be doing something about it too.

  5. Dellis says:

    Ad wise I think it’s smart to target the women side of shooters. What I’m personally not diggin is the whole pant suit deal.

  6. dondon says:

    People accuse Arcteryx of virtue signaling meanwhile BCM does this.

    • SSD says:

      Or, Keanu Reeves wasn’t available so they used a substitute. A guy would have been compared to Reeves. A lady however, well that should have been a no-brainer. And then those with no brains showed up to make it into something it isn’t.

    • Washington says:

      weird how everything catering to you is “normal” anything outside of that has an “agenda.” funny how that works out for you

      nobody is a bigger snowflake than regressive white men with fragile egos

      • Dellis says:

        Wow…not sure where race came into this…..oh wait, from you!

        What a child molesting knuckle dragger comment you made

        • Washington says:

          pretty sure guys whose definition of racist is whoever brings up the word “race” first in a coversation forfeit any right to call anyone a knuckle dragger with their kindergarten level intellect

  7. JH says:

    Saw JW2 yesterday and noticed the BCM stock on one of the AR’s.

  8. joe says:

    very cool! lots of missed potential here. the girl doesn’t bug me…but the photography could use some work, im sure BCM was hoping we would actually be able to see their equipment.

  9. Bill says:

    The heck with the model, sweet ride.

  10. Jeremy says:

    When did the automatic reply when you get butt hurt become to call someone a snowflake?

  11. SamHill says:

    Not sure what some of these guys are whining about.
    Saturday I spent some time banging plates at 300 yards with my BCM 14.5 lightweight and today at a pistol match. I hope to catch the movie this week. Also, cool car.

  12. Terry says:

    I think that they’re quite well done. Looks good to me.

  13. Mike Nomad says:

    Shouldn’t that parking space number be 223 or 556?