RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Helicon-Tex 2017 Catalog

Now you can see all of the new products, released at IWA, from Helikon-Tex.

To view the catalog, visit issuu.com/helikon-tex/docs/helikon-tex_2017_master_catalog


2 Responses to “Helicon-Tex 2017 Catalog”

  1. Marcus says:

    So- is there any place else to purchase other than eGay and Amazon?

    Who are their U.S. distributors?

  2. darrel says:

    Some really good stuff in there, they’re definitely pushing some cutting edge fabrics out. I would definitely be interested in some of their fleece and hard use pants to fill in the gaps where I’m too cheap to buy Arcteryx LEAF products.

    They should really expand into the US more and make their stuff more available.