
NRAAM 2017 – BAR Floor Lamp

If you are looking for the ultimate accessory for your man cave or office, this BAR Floor Lamp I spotted in the Ohio Ordnance booth is just what you need.

These limited edition lamps are just five of a run of 10 and each one is serialized “x of 10.” They are really cool. The Trigger actually functions as the on/off switch and includes working sights/safety/mag release/bipod. The Barrels are 1944 dated and the base is fashioned into the Ohio Ordnance logo. Finally, this piece of art is signature engraved.

Brace yourself. The cost is $6500, but they are manufactured from actual BAR parts and not plastic lookalikes.

If you are interested, email


10 Responses to “NRAAM 2017 – BAR Floor Lamp”

  1. PTMcCain says:


  2. jjj0309 says:

    $6500? That lamp better be battle-ready.

  3. Adam says:

    Clearly you pleebs balking at the price point just don’t have what it takes to be a baller.

    • Bert says:

      Don’t they sell functional semi auto BARs for two thirds that price? Is a light bulb and shade really worth two grand?

    • SSD says:

      That pretty much sums it up.

  4. Dellis says:

    Reminds me of the I Dream Of Jeannie episode where Jeannie had some interior designer make an M16 lamp I think and then it goes off….ya, just really, really dated myself.

  5. Joe_momma says:

    Airsoft BAR: $300
    Lamp supplies: $50
    No one knowing the difference or caring that your BAR lamp cost 5% of this thing: priceless