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NRAAM 2017 – Geissele Maritime Bolt Catch 

The Maritime Bolt Catch was designed to make it easier to use with wet hands or with the palm of your hand. What I really like about it is that I’ve seen many Bolt catches with enlarged upper pads, but rarely do they make the lower pad for locking the bolt to the rear, any larger.

Fits any lower reciever designed to fit Mil-Spec bolt catch. Manufactured from heat treated 8620 steel and manganese phosphate coated.


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12 Responses to “NRAAM 2017 – Geissele Maritime Bolt Catch ”

  1. Ed says:

    So any word on when Geissele lowers and uppers will hit the market for builds??

  2. Sam Lerman says:

    This is excellent. Cant wait to get my hands on one.

  3. Jason F says:

    Got to try this out yesterday at NRAAM and it was excellent – unfortunately it’s going to be 2-3 weeks until they’re restocked on the website they said. But I’m going to pick up one and one of the new SSP triggers, which was also excellent.

    • Jason F says:

      Just saw they’re in stock online so I ordered. Looking forward to getting it out on the range for a workout soon, but I have very high hopes for it.

  4. PTMcCain says:

    Now this looks like a genuine improvement on the original design. Can’t wait to hear more from folks who have acquired and installed it. I can see this on my ARs, to be sure.

    • OE800 says:

      I’ve installed one for a friend. The increased control surfaces are genuinely nice to have, but I can’t help but think angling the paddles a la Forward Controls Design ABC/R would have been real nice to have. Seems like a missed opportunity.

  5. Mike Nomad says:

    Finally, somebody besides Armalite taking another step forward (no, Armalite doesn’t enlarge the lower part of the catch, but they do serrate it uniformly like the upper part).

    Really looking forward to dropping in one of these.

  6. JKifer says:

    been waiting for something like this, all the others are either too small, too big, or to gimmicky… leave it to good ole Geissele.. btw their super tricon trigger is awesome.

  7. lcpl1066 says:

    ambidextrous magazine release coming soon?

  8. Ed says:

    Sooo any word on the GA uppers or lowers????


  9. Gerard says:

    Basically looks like a must have upgrade for a serious AR