RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

When Truth Follows Fiction

9 Responses to “When Truth Follows Fiction”

  1. Unimog says:

    I think I remember the photo on the right being in a old issue of “Raids” magazine. Seems like they also had a scoped and bi-pod mounted revolver Manurhin MR73 for precision work or something. GIGN maybe?

  2. Justaguy says:

    Is that the new Blackhawk entry to LAPD to replace the serpa?

  3. Matsuo says:

    Ha! This shit is in my wheelhouse so I’m going to be somewhat pedantic. I’ve built and worn replicas of the Vasquez rig. The springs have to be tuned to bear the weight of the real steel MG. There’s nothing inherently “steady” about the steady cam rig other than it takes the weight of the object in question (be it a gun or a camera) off your arms and distributes it it through the vest to your torso. Still its only as “steady” as you are. That said its a heavy load no matter what. Any gunner wearing that setup will fatigue faster than the rest of his squad.

    Now, flash forward thirty some odd years and you look at the new servo driven, gyro stabilized hand held camera rigs and you can see a glimmer of what a man portable gun platform might look like. Google a video of it, its both mesmerizing and creepy! Coupled with current targeting systems, we could very easily end up with a Vasquez style Smartgun that does exactly what its fictional counterpart was supposed to do. Target and self aim/guide based on the operators input from their headset. So you will only need to know one thing… Where-they-are…

  4. JS says:

    LET’S ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. CWG says:

    Hey Vasquez, you ever been mistaken for a man?

  6. PTMcCain says:

    In before somebody else posts: “Game over, man. Game over.”