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Milwaukee To Host Inaugural NRA Carry Guard Expo Aug 25-27

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association is proud to announce the inaugural NRA Carry Guard Expo, scheduled for Aug. 25-27 at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The NRA Carry Guard Expo is an educational and interactive experience dedicated to individuals interested in increasing their knowledge and skills of personal protection, concealed carry and home defense tactics. This event will equip novices and experts alike with the products, skills, knowledge and mindset necessary to be prepared and respond when a threat arises.

Visitors can attend over 125 seminars and workshops featuring the best personal protection and concealed carry practices taught and demonstrated by leading experts and instructors from across the country, including NRA Carry Guard, the nation’s most complete self-defense insurance program and training for those who carry a gun.

The NRA Carry Guard Expo will include an exhibit hall that features leading firearm and accessory companies showcasing their most advanced guns and gear designed for self-defense and concealed carry. The Expo will also feature an interactive area with virtual reality and video based training designed to mimic real-world defensive scenarios, as well as an indoor shooting range utilizing non-lethal training ammunition designed to provide the most realistic shooting experience outside of live fire. In addition, a live concealed carry fashion show will be conducted Friday evening in which concealment clothing and gear designed for men and women will be modeled.



2 Responses to “Milwaukee To Host Inaugural NRA Carry Guard Expo Aug 25-27”

  1. CWG says:

    I try not to shit on industry stuff here, but I’m not very happy about this, and won’t be supporting the NRA anymore. It was bad enough when the NRA got into another non-advocacy industry. It was bad enough when they tossed USCCA insurance through Delta Defense from the NRA show because they intended to try and take over their market. Now I guess they need to teabag Delta Defense’s hometown, where they aggressively recruit Veterans for their recent expansion, and where they up until recently openly supported NRA membership.

    Not sure how trying to muscle out pro 2A industries fits the NRA’s charter, but obviously I should be spending my money elsewhere.

    • Bad Dancer says:

      2nd call defense is my go to. I certainly understand your reasoning behind dislike of the NRA but I am choosing to stay and voice my opinion through a steady regime of snail mail letter writing and voting on board members. Few good up and comers who are pretty upset with how NRA old guard is implementing this thing give me hope for wrangling them back on target.