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National Eagle Scout Day

Today is the 5th Annual National Eagle Scout Day as declared by BSA’s National Council.

8 Responses to “National Eagle Scout Day”

  1. James says:

    BSA is an amazing part of the fabric of America… They allowed me to develop leaderships skills and take on leadership roles at a very young age. Although without my mother’s constant ‘pressure’ I might not have made it… I Eagled in 1984 Troop 32 Watchung NJ.

    Thanks Mom!

    • Justin says:

      Funny. I would not have received my Eagle were it not for my mother pushing me. She recognized how much I would regret not finishing later in life and kept her foot firmly placed in my rear end until I finished. Eagled in 2007 Jackson, MS.

      • Chris I says:

        Lets give it up to all the Mom’s who were responsible for us getting our Eagle Scout. They deserve some recognition too. Just like as stated by some of you if it were not for my mom pushing me to finish I can honestly say I would not have made it and certainly would have regretted not finishing. If your moms are still around,unfortunately mine has already gone to heaven, give them a call and thank them again. Eagle Scout 1999 troop 34 IL.

        Thanks again MOM,

        • Kathy says:

          As an Eagle Mom, it makes me so happy to see you all appreciating your Moms’ “pressure” 🙂

    • blackbeard says:

      Yep, I’m in the same boat. Mom’s are the best. I Eagled out in 1999 Troop 177 Daphne, AL. I have been thinking about joining up again and being a port of the young men’s lived in our local troop. My Scoutmaster in Alabama was one hell of a good guy and had a positive impact on me and many of the other guys in my troop.

  2. Esh says:

    From the documentary Red Dawn…

    Colonel Ernesto Bella: According to records, Mayor… your son is a prominent student leader.
    Mayor Bates: Yes, well… he’s a leader, but not in a violent or physical way. You see, Daryl… he’s more of a politician, like his father.
    Colonel Ernesto Bella: A member of an elite paramilitary organization: “Eagle Scouts.”

  3. Thor H. says:

    Troop 1, Pioneer District, Cascade Pacific Council, 2001. How How, Heep How!

  4. Kyle says:

    My journey to Eagle was where I developed my baseline for what defines good and bad leadership, as I got to experience both. I still carry those baselines today.