You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

My friend LH took this over the weekend at the Polish Memorial to the Unknown Soldier in central Warsaw.


12 Responses to “You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up”

  1. Koas-1 says:

    Are those ceremonial MSBS’s ?

  2. jack says:

    looks suspiciously like another advertiser driven post. What’s your hidden agenda SSD uh? Who’s that KCRF anyway??

  3. Baldwin says:

    Maybe it is just me, but I find this photo disrespectful to the fallen soldier.

    • Weaver says:

      Here too – if this picture were taken at Arlington, I think there’d be many negative comments. And if it isn’t appropriate at Arlington, it isn’t appropriate there.

      • Badass Alert says:

        Since it wasn’t taken at Arlington, that doesn’t really matter. Does it?

        • Stefan S. says:

          As a retired SOF soldier and who lost family members to the Germans in WW2 and the Soviets in the Katyn forest. Your comment reflects your room temperature IQ “Kapu?ciana g?owa”.

  4. ejb3 says:

    Baldwin and Weaver, I am not saying your wrong but I myself do not find it disrespectful, I see it more as an opportunity to learn about the location in question. That being said, I have not served in the military but I am an active LEO. I would not be offended if someone were to post a similar pic of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial here in DC.

    • Baldwin says:

      OK. Let’s learn more about this location in question…It was set aside out of respect for and in honor of a once living member of a country’s military that gave every last measure of himself for his country and comrades , so much so, that his remains could not even be identified. I’m at a loss for how displaying the SSD patch shows honor and respect for the sacrifice made.

      • Badass Alert says:

        Exactly! How about we let the Polish guys weigh in on this instead of getting all butt hurt on their behalf.

  5. Lawrence says:

    Well considering that I was with a Polish veteran at the time and took the picture with his blessing and encouragement, I think it was okay… Also heard from several other Polish friends who actually appreciated this gesture.

    This location isn’t quite the same as Arlington – it’s more like a memorial to ALL soldiers who’ve defended Poland throughout the ages. In fact, the walls of the structure are lined with plaques commemorating all of the major battles that Polish forces have been involved in. My friend’s Grandfather fought at Monte Cassino for instance – which is memorialized with its own plaque.

    Perhaps “unknown soldier” is a poor translation – it seems to be more like a memorial to ALL Polish soldiers…

    Anyways, I’ll shut up now and let some Polish guys respond.

  6. SSD says:

    The Polish contingent’s opinion has been solicited.

    American guys who have been conditioned to be outraged by everything, stand down until given the green light by the home team.