RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

MDM 17 – Super Night Owl Suppressor by Geissele Automatics

This is Bill Geissele holding the Super Night Owl Suppressor which was developed for a special application. Look for details tomorrow on SSD.



16 Responses to “MDM 17 – Super Night Owl Suppressor by Geissele Automatics”

  1. Chuck says:

    Holy smokes.

    God bless Geissele.

  2. Joe says:

    Do I spy an SR-25 rail next to him?

  3. Odie says:

    So thats def. a G28 at bottom right of picture, right? Bill at 7.62 interim rifle testing?

    • Odie says:

      So it looks like on the suppressor it is marked as geissele automatics, and on the mount side it says hand tighten only. Also on the weapon it was mounted on there is a taper collar on the barrel.

    • Joglee says:

      Def not a G28.

      To narrow and short on the top to fit the G28s op rod and gas block.

  4. Alex says:

    At first I thought it was the H&K CSASS, but perhaps it is an SR25 as some of the above posters have theoriozed?

    • Joglee says:

      No way is that a HK. The rail is to slim to fit the piston needed for the CSASS. Def a SR-25 of some sort.

  5. d says:

    Wait until he gets bored and takes over another industry. That company is unstoppable.

  6. BB says:

    Shorter and thicker beats longer and thinner every time.

  7. Ray forest says:

    Mike Allen getting the plug too! Nice job! Who does Bill Giessele go to for 1911 work? MHA.

  8. Pro Patria says:

    That looks like a concept we described to the REF. Will be interesting to see if it’s close.

  9. Robert J Petty says:

    If it has the Giessele name on it, I’ll buy it. Nothing says quality like his products.