FirstSpear TV

Crye Precision Announces Price Adjustments

Late last week, Crye Precision announced new pricing for most of their offerings after conducting an analysis of all of their products. The truth of the matter is that Crye hasn’t increased pricing in years, even though labor, material, and shipping costs have increased on a yearly basis. Conversely, improvements in manufacturing processes for both materials and the assembly of finished goods will result in price reductions for several items. These changes will take effect on 15 March, 2018, so if you want to take advantage of legacy pricing, you’ve still got a few days. For the gear which will be expensive, wait a few days to order. For links to this products, visit


4 Responses to “Crye Precision Announces Price Adjustments”

  1. tbca_joe says:

    I ordered a JPC the day before they announced it, and received it the day before I saw the announcement on FB.

    I fail.

    • Steak TarTar says:

      email/call them. any CS team worth their salt will refund the difference

      • tcba_joe says:

        I emailed the retailer I purchased it from. We’ll see.

        • DeW says:

          Your credit card may have a price match/rewind benefit where if you find a lower price within X days they’ll refund you the difference. I know most of my cards have this benefit.