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Fishstick Prybar Multitool Now On Kickstarter

The Fishstick Prybar Multitool is CNC machined from 6061 Aluminum and can be used for several functions including:

-Bottle Opener
-1/4” Bit Driver (standard bit size) + 1/4” Wrench
-Flathead screwdriver

It is W1” x L3” x D0.3”. Alternative versions are available in Tellurium Copper, Bronze, Brass, Stainless Steel, Tool Steel, Chomoly Steel and Titanium.

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7 Responses to “Fishstick Prybar Multitool Now On Kickstarter”

  1. Kris says:

    Is “fine wedge” code for blade?

  2. AGL Bob says:

    They need to add a second measurement scale for mm.

  3. WYGuy23 says:

    Do people actually carry pry bars? I live in a rural town, and don’t ever see where I would need one. If I had to go through a door I don’t see why a good boot wouldn’t work.

  4. RT from UT says:

    Make a “belt clip” for it which actually doubles as a massively reconfigurable universal lever attachment interface (extra credit for making the interface lockable at 15-45 degree angle intervals from 0-180 degrees) and you actually have something cool…

  5. Adun says:

    Does it actually make sense to have a pry bar this short? I am having trouble understanding how you can do any actual prying with this, other than hammering it into something like a wedge.