SOF Week Registration Is Open

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

Recognize these guys?

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5 Responses to “You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up”

  1. Jake says:

    All I can see is that giant BAR cutaway model on the wall. Forgotten Weapons did a video with one not too long ago.

  2. Looks like Larry has the suppressed shotgun from No Country For Old Men

  3. Marcus says:

    Larry, Curly and Moe? 🙂

    There is so much experience in that room, you could use their picture for the next phase of Mount Rushmore.

  4. Jim says:

    Looks like Indepedent Studio Services. Carl does a great job managing over 10,000 weapons!

  5. Keni says:

    but I can read them tags, yah?