FirstSpear TV

SOFIC 18 – DS Raider from Mistral

The DS Raider is a Tactical Electric Manned Vehicle offered by Mistral.

It weighs 154 lbs with a deck 26 in wide. This four wheeled scooter will carry up to two fully equipped passengers (463 lbs) and features high torque electric motors and patented suspension system for off-road use. An optional motorized trailer will accommodate an additional 1,000 lbs of cargo. The top speed is 43 mph, with a range of 43 miles.


11 Responses to “SOFIC 18 – DS Raider from Mistral”

  1. Adun says:

    Is there any way to take off the pole for the handle bars to make it easier to transport?

  2. jbgleason says:

    Initially thought this was the dumbest thing ever and then read the payload, speed and range. They might really have something here.

    • Adun says:

      Not to mention the fact that it is narrow enough that it might actually be able to squeeze through foot paths without getting hung up too much. I wonder what the trailer looks like and if it is about the same width. There would still be a risk of falling off one of these things if the terrain got too rough, but it is a very interesting concept.

  3. Meusoc says:

    I was going to make a ‘Mall Cop’ joke initially but I kinda want one! Haha!

  4. pablo says:

    that’s awesome!

  5. SShink says:

    In what scenario would this be better than an electronic dirt bike?

    • Adun says:

      Well for one, since the pole can fold down, you can transport more of these in a smaller space than you could with the dirt bikes. You can also fit these into vehicles more easily I would bet. It also allows for a faster dismount too.

      Other than that though, it is probably a toss up between the two. I haven’t looked into lightweight folding electric dirt bikes recently though.

  6. Jamie Singe says:

    I have ridden one at Mistral. They are the a great piece of kit and they will do everything that Mistral says they will do. You would have to be two different kinds of useless to ‘fall’ off one when you only have to jump or step off. The Raider will stop as soon as you stop putting throttle on.
    While we were there, they 4×4 version was being returned after an urgent requirement for it to be used operationally.
    In answer to the Bike comparison question, easy, EVERYONE can ride one of these! Before anyone says ‘as long as you can stand’ be advised, there is a seat option available.
    I AM buying one!

  7. Uncle Dan says:

    I wish an MSRP was listed. My agency has nearly five dozen SROs in our many county public schools. Campuses and buildings are enormous. We have always multiple hallways more than 200+ yards long in most of the newer schools

    I think having one of these available for every SRO would make response to active shooters or other criminal activities much more rapid.

    Going to contact Mistral for more information tomorrow.

    Thank you!

  8. Sam says:


    I am interested to know the area of application of such Scooter. As far as I could see, it is limited to Military use and not applicable to be driven on streets.

    Thanks in advance.