TYR Tactical

Coming Soon – Teeter Pouch 3 from OV Innovations

The Teeter Pouch is a PALS-compatible, bikini-style water bottle carrier from OV Innovations.   They’ve got a new version on the way, called the TP3. It is sized for 3 columns and 3 rows of PALS webbing instead of the 4×4 that the original was designed around. It is particularly well suited to 20oz bottles, but it will handle 1 liters without issue. 



8 Responses to “Coming Soon – Teeter Pouch 3 from OV Innovations”

  1. Bradkaf308 says:

    cool, add to the side of my Assault 30 & look more civi street.

    • OVI Adam says:

      Hey Brad, does the Assault 30 have PALS webbing on the sides? These require it for mounting.

      • bradkaf308 says:

        It has vertical webbing ladders. It looks like this could still weave into it. The bottom tail piece needs a little more adapting but shouldn’t be too much trouble.

  2. Big_Juju says:

    What bag is that?