This Is For All Of You Guys Who Think Your Gear Sucks.

This was the height of technology in the early-1980s.
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on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018 at 00:00 and is filed under History.
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Hey come on – we did at least have fabric covers for our K-pots, and 30-round mags for our M16s in the 82nd… with our Vietnam era “leaf camo” fatigues and jungle boots too.
The gear today is a HUGE improvement…
I just did the intro brief for nvgs this morning for 2 dozen pilots and went over how much better we’ve got it than the Gen 2 guys. Who cares about .0022lux anymore?
That Painted PASGT Kevlar was a prototype. Don’t miss that liner headache or skull deformation it caused.
I still had the Ghostbusters goggles in the early 90s in the 82nd.
I remember the an/pvs-5’s. Good times.
Don’t really have a way to mount your NODs?
Just strap them to your face like that thing from Alien. 😀
I miss the PVS 7’S especially for driving.
And there is no sign of the
Zorg ZF 1 or
the Annihilator 3000 from Beverly hills Cop 3 in sight
for serialproduction….
That’s the granddaddy of all Hydro-Dipped AOR/MC helmets
Whats the story on that weapon mounted optic? Is it off set for the rifle, or was it used for the 203?
It looks like an early version of the AN/PAQ-4A, an early IR laser/aiming light.
It’s all relative. My gear is better than my dad’s was. His gear was better than his dad’s. In 25 years SSD will be showing a picture of a commando holding a 416 equipped with a Razor and Geissele goodness, and panos on his Crye airframe. The caption will remain along the same lines: and you thought your gear sucked?
Today’s futuristic is tomorrow’s “junk.” I’m thankful for the gear I’ve got that rocks. I’m also hoping to get the gear of tomorrow that outperforms my gear of yesterday. It’s not petty to hope things continue to get better.
What?? That is state of the art in the NMCBs! Lol
In our day we didn’t feel inadequate because we didn’t have 16 different sets of cammies with 19 different names or a badge for every time we took a dump or moved to a different base. We didn’t feel inadequate because girls were girls and men were men. We didn’t feel like we needed combat boots that competed with Air Force One’s. In fact we’re weren’t obsessed that we didn’t have today’s choice of snivel gear. 12 different MRE’s seemed like a pretty good choice. Come to think of it, we seemed to have managed without internet, and Baskin Robbins deployed down range. Tell me once again just how much better today’s Army is?
Well, we rape each other less often these days… which is nice.
We understand that “making do” doesn’t really set people up to perform at a high level either. The maximize performance you have to prioritize performance. Me in my moisture wicking level 5 worn correctlyl paired with waterproof cold weather boots and effective gloves will outperform me in a goretex jacket and BDU pants with the extreme cold weather boots and gloves from 20 years ago.
We get it grandpa. You’re tougher than these new guys, and we all know you all didn’t ever bitch about anything back in your day, right?