TYR Tactical

Alien Gear Holsters Survey

Alien Gear Holsters would like your input for an online survey. They are offering a chance to win a $50 gift card for any participants.

Take the survey here.

2 Responses to “Alien Gear Holsters Survey”

  1. minn-kota says:

    I doubt the questions on their survey will tell them what they really need to know: Dealers aren’t picking your line up because of all your, “We don’t need dealers, we sell directly to the customer!” marketing.

    Our industry has a better memory that you apparently give us credit for.

    • GlockJunkie says:

      100% correct! I asked for a dealer packet about 2 years ago and was blown off. Now I get a call from the same couple of people every few weeks offering a garbage margin to stock their products.