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Kitfox Design Group Launches Firearm Cookie Cutters

Combining your love of baked goods and weapons

BOISE, IDAHO (November 21, 2018) – Do you remember when Kitfox Design Group broke the internet by creating a coloring book full of firearms? It’s hard to forget, since it sold like wildfire and was featured nearly everywhere. This time around Kitfox is releasing a set of five firearm themed cookie cutters. Available as of 9 a.m. Eastern Time today on the Kitfox Design Group website, there is no better way to express your love for firearms at Aunt Judith’s annual holiday party than a plate full of revolver shaped sugar cookies.

Some customers are already saying “that’s the most awesome thing I’ve seen in ages!” If you don’t think these cookie cutters are awesome and hilarious, go ahead and forward this along to someone with a sense of humor. The cookie cutters are quite literally perfect for every occasion.

Going to a boring holiday party and want to spice things up with some Krinkov shaped gingerbread cookies? You got it! “My wife and mother in law are giving me shady looks about the cookie cutters. I love it!” They’re sure to trigger your safe space loving blue haired cousin, too. Maybe you’re just taking it easy this holiday season, and simply want to eat a glock shaped keto shortbread cookie with your veteran-brewed coffee while wearing your Kalashnikov-themed ugly Christmas sweater.

It doesn’t matter what kind of cookies you make or how you decorate them – these cookie cutters are sure to create some sweet conversation about firearms this holiday season. That is ultimately the goal of Kitfox Design Group: creating the opportunity for positive conversations surrounding firearms without having to be at the range or at a gun counter. It doesn’t get much more American than this.

Kitfox Design Group is headed up by Sara Westman, a graphic designer and technical illustrator in the firearms industry, known for her Firearm Coloring Books and high detail firearm morale patches.


11 Responses to “Kitfox Design Group Launches Firearm Cookie Cutters”

  1. Strike-Hold says:

    When you really want to get your kid expelled from school…. sadly.

  2. SShink says:

    Delivery some delicious holiday cheer to the local Democrat party office, make sure to bring enough for the SWAT team.

  3. Nate says:

    Congrats Sara! awesome idea!

  4. Marsha Curtis says:

    thisi is a great idea you have coloring books now cookie cutters what is next? I buy the teddy bears chocholate cookie cutters I never thought of cookie guns. My son Rob Curtis will be the first to buy these he loves chockolate works for Recoil. Where can I buy the firearm cookie cutters

  5. Where can I get the firearm cookie cutters?

  6. Alex says:

    Definitely had to grab a set!! Can’t wait to use them.

  7. bulldog76 says:

    im going to make some ar cookies for an instructor friend to give his joes for them to keep them in one piece because you cant have a broken rifle and expect to fight LOL

  8. IdahoMan says:

    Cool take on JPFO’s “Goodie Gun” campaign.