SureFire XC3

Support SKI4theFALLEN by Buying a T-shirt

You can support SKI4theFALLEN by purchasing a t-shirt.

In March 2019, a few of our nation’s Green Berets will be competing in the Grand Traverse Ski Race. The Grand Traverse is a 40-mile alpine race, with a roughly seven thousand foot elevation change, through the Elk Mountains in Colorado, from Crested Butte to Aspen. Far too often Green Berets are sent into combat operations that the regular populace is unaware of, resulting in WIA and KIA soldiers. Unfortunately our Green Berets, along with their families, are many times left without help when something goes wrong. The Green Berets competing in the Grand Traverse are not doing this for themselves but want to raise awareness and financial support for their extended family, The Green Beret Regiment, through the Green Beret Association. Please follow their journey on Instagram @SKI4theFALLEN, or Facebook, Skifor Thefallen. Donations to the campaign can be made through gofundme.

Get yours at for a Christmas delivery.

2 Responses to “Support SKI4theFALLEN by Buying a T-shirt”

  1. Wardog17 says:

    Isn’t this the same company that was run by phony Green Beret Gilbert Rainault?

  2. Ryan says:

    Yes, he is in jail and won’t be getting out anytime soon. The company is under new management and helping the Green Beret Community emensly.
    Here’s the link for that guy.