TYR Tactical

Bawidamann x OTTE Gear Water Bottle

First off, OTTE Gear is back! Second, they’ve worked with my favorite pin-up artist, Andrew Bawidamann, to introduce a new water bottle featuring his Fastrope Girl.

This 32oz bottle is made in USA. Get yours at bawidamann.com/otte-gear-water-bottles.

2 Responses to “Bawidamann x OTTE Gear Water Bottle”

  1. robcollins says:

    I didn’t know Otte Gear had gone anywhere. I love my Patrol Parka, it’s bomb proof. They make solid gear.

    I’ve been looking for a bottle to ride on a pack shoulder straps after reading something from Mel Terkla. (former Kifaru Military Division designer, now running Pocket Up, manufacturing internal pack organization and new packs) This bottle’s the right shape and size for attaching to a shoulder strap, and off of my belt where I’m tangled up in it or moving around it. US made, fits my needs, thanks for sharing this SSD, this made my choice for me!

    Thanks Otte Gear for putting Americans to work and making really great stuff….

  2. OTTE Gear says:

    Hi Rob, we’ve been laying low for the last 2 years but are relaunching the website and some new product just in time for SHOT, booth L212. Come see us!
    Your friends @OTTEGear