TYR Tactical

Looking For Some Proper Mukluks?

Empire Wool & Canvas has opened pre-orders of their True North Boots for Spring delivery.

1. Email your request to empirecanvas@charter.net. They will send you a bit of info.

2. Fill out your size, color, and personal info. And send in your deposit for boots and or extra liners. ($150 boots- retail $350, or $100 liners delivered in the USA)

3. Wait patiently as they gather pre-orders and start building footwear.

Your deposit is refundable if you opt out. Boots will likely start shipping in the Spring.

Colors: Black/Black, White (natural)/Cream, or ATACS AU/Cream

One Response to “Looking For Some Proper Mukluks?”

  1. Major Smoof says:

    Those look legit.

    Our CAF mukluks are a nightmare, hence everyone’s adoption of the Neos.