GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Magpul x SSD Post-SHOT Show SWAG Sweepstakes

Pretty much everyone who comes home from SHOT Show does so with a bag full of really cool SWAG. While we can bring the news of SHOT Show to you, you still miss out on the tchotchkes.

Magpul wanted to help us do something about that, so they gave us a handful of cool giveaway items from their booth and 40 lucky SSD readers are going to get a little taste of Magpul SWAG.

To give away, there are:

25 packs of stickers

5 PMAG Patches

10 Gold 20th Anniversary Magpul (Rich Fitzpatrick’s original product!)

SSD is going to randomly give away one of these items each to 40 different readers. You don’t get to pick what you’ll receive, but with this many items, you’ll get a pretty good shot at it.

To enter, follow these rules:

1. In the comments section of THIS, and only THIS, article on SSD, tell us what you’d like to see Magpul make next. Only entries here are eligible to win.

2. Comments are open from now until 0100 Zulu on 7 February, 2019. That’s 24 hours from now.

3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winners.

4. SSD will randomly select 40 names from the comments we receive. We will also randomly pick a prize from the bag and assign it to a winner until they are all gone.

5. One entry per person. Don’t cheat your buddies.

6. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

1,100 Responses to “Magpul x SSD Post-SHOT Show SWAG Sweepstakes”

  1. Chris Rodriguez says:

    I want to see Magpul make a high cap. mag that our hard charging IAR gunners in the Corps can use!

  2. Jonathan says:

    I’d like to see magpul make some more products for the pistol world. I’d love to see an enhanced magazine release for the M&P and some M&P 9mm mags too.

  3. MagpulFTMFW says:

    Would like to see a larger variety in magazines for pistols

  4. Nick says:

    Magpul is killing it right now! So maybe a LEO/Military work/duty boot.

  5. Matthew Levi says:

    Baseball bats to beat people over the head who advocate for anything related to the M-14/Mini-14 or magazines for pistols that take metal magazines – or anything related to the XD family of trash.

  6. kevin stranen says:

    Magazines for M-1 30 carbine. Every collector is stuck with crap surplus.
    A clone of the 100 round ak-drum mag in polymer.

  7. Chris Seiffert says:

    I would like them to make 7.62×39 Ar 15 mags

  8. JTB says:

    556 AK mags. There is a mighty need!!! Thanks for the contest!

  9. Dan says:

    I’d love to see Magpul making Glock frames/lowers. An FDE Magpul Glock 19 frame would be AMAZING!

  10. Chad McCumbers says:

    I would like to see H&K USP jet funnel mags, and MP5 mags

  11. Jeff says:

    Ak drum mag would be awsome.

  12. Kyle Meier says:

    Dearest Magpul,
    I would love to see you make a Glock chassis similar to the Roni system but with your flair and hopefully better price point.
    Sincerely every glock owner ever. And Kyle.

  13. R2KBA says:

    More drum mags, Glock 9 & 45 are used in many platforms, how about a Sig MPX drum mag too!

  14. Jeff says:

    An ak drum mag would be awesome

  15. Eli Favro says:

    I would love to see more handgun products from Magpul. You’ve crushed the rifle segment, now more pistol products! Thanks!

  16. Steve says:

    HK pattern folding/collapsible stock for MP5/G3 clones.
    HK G3 handguards

  17. Airsoft stuff and more new cool knives 🙂

  18. BigCat says:

    Clearly they need to start producing magazines for Hi-Point .40’s aka the Mansfield glock

  19. Michael Knight says:

    I would love to see Magpul start producing a lightweight reliable 6.5 Grendel purpose built magazine,uch like the 300 pmag.

  20. Brian says:

    Magpul flip up lens covers, and magpul 50 cal ammo cans

  21. swamp man says:

    we need the forbidden VHS (the FMG9)

  22. T. South says:

    A stock that reliably takes AR mags, that fits the Ruger American .223.
    A lot of guys on AR15.com have been wanting this stock for years. The stock you offer now does not reliably feed from Magpul mags.

  23. Kenny says:

    M1A mags!!! There’s no real quality ones made anymore

  24. Brendan Lewis says:

    Magpul should make some truly unique ergonomic furniture, similar to what we see with the HERA CQR line!

  25. SupremeMullet says:

    With PCCs on the rise in feel like the old FMG9 needs to be resurrected.

    Either that or magpul make a new PCC design.

  26. Josh says:

    I’d personally like to see a Magpul OEM monopod floorplate, similar to the Magpod, but perhaps a cross between the Ranger Plates and Magpod with Magpul’s own improvements and offered for the M3 PMAGs.

  27. Brett Reichardt says:

    Magpul should make grips for pistols and stocks for hunting rifles.

  28. Curtis maurer says:

    I like see magpul try there hands at optics, not for sure use polymer for scopes but imagine how tough magpul is they would hold up and be super light.

  29. Chris Ocampo says:

    With the pistol caliber ARs being all the rage right now I’d like to see a plan version of the Colt style magazines in 10 to 32 round capacity. And while they’re they might as well come out with a 32 round Glock mag.

  30. J shafer says:

    I would love to see Magpul make a heat shield for the mossburg 590, to match the moe forend

  31. Chris says:

    Id like to see FAL mags or a larger version of the DAKA can with a camming latch on it.

  32. Solipsism says:

    Would love to see Magpul make a Mlok handguard for the Scorpion.

  33. nm351 says:

    Heck Yeah

  34. Chris says:

    Ruggedized cases for tablets.

  35. Ben dover says:

    Polymer mag pouches. Please.

  36. Patoruzu says:

    I want MAGPUL to make DAKA underwear.

  37. Jeremy says:

    M1a magazines

  38. Brian says:

    B&T 9MM mags

  39. Derek McDaniel says:

    MP5 Pmags

  40. Kman says:

    Magpul lowers.

  41. ilikefreestuffandicannotlie says:

    Polymer lowers in all the usual flavors.

  42. Jason Geer says:

    Stock for a Savage FV-SR .22lr.

  43. freeshitforme says:

    kydex holsters

  44. Brik says:

    I would like to see them make a helmet!

  45. Einherjar says:

    Would like to see a lightweight version of the Magpul Hunter stock!

  46. Gene says:

    A “featureless” grip/stock.

  47. Justin Wisner says:

    CZ scorpion drum magazine and stocks.

  48. Jon says:

    I definitely need a Ruger American hunter stock in long action.

  49. J Stepp says:

    I wish magpul would make a bitching duty/war belt. It seems a ton of companies are making them, but I know magpul would do it right, and do it at a fair price.

    Magpul for life.