
Brigantes Presents – High Angled Solutions – Helix Tactical Poles

Take a look at these Helix Tactical Poles. These seven section poles are a lightweight solution to urban and maritime access issues.



They are made from 3K carbon fibre and available in 4.5m and 8.5m lengths. The pole clamps are user adjustable and can be replaced if damaged. The poles have a 3K carbon finish which reduced the amount of vibration transmitted up the shaft to ensure a quiet and smooth use.



The Helix Tactical poles are compatible with REBS hooks fitted with the PIGG system, which allows the pin to be pulled and the PIGG release will let go of the pole, leaving behind a clean anchor. They are also compatible with various other hook designs which used 4-5mm rods and as each one has a conical internal bore makes “fishing” to recover the hooks much easier.

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3 Responses to “Brigantes Presents – High Angled Solutions – Helix Tactical Poles”

  1. Bradkaf308 says:

    Tactical poles? I thought GROM were tactical Poles.

  2. Iggy says:

    Is that a Pika Ibis hook…?