GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

USASOC Team Wins 10th Annual USASOC Sniper Competition

Now in its 10th year, a team representing the United States Army Special Operations Command won the 2019 USASOC Sniper Competition, held last week at Fort Bragg’s Range 37.


The second place team also represents USASOC, with the third place overall coming from the US Marine Corps’ School Sniper School.


We do not have the scores nor the overall standing of the 18 other two-man teams which represented US and international services. But, we do have a gallery of images taken during the Competition by the USAJFK Special Warfare Center and School. Many of the firearms used in the comp are personally owned.

Photos by SGT Michelle Blesam and Ken Kassens.

17 Responses to “USASOC Team Wins 10th Annual USASOC Sniper Competition”

  1. Joglee says:

    What ammo is that in the 249?

  2. J.V. says:

    8th picture from the top shows an HK416A5 with a pretty serious optics setup. I didn’t even know that any A5 were in official use or had been imported. Must be rarer than hens’ teeth.

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      “18 other two-man teams which represented US and international services.” says it in the text. So maybe one of the participating foreigners brought their own bangsticks from home.


      Judging by the Leupold SOCOM issue scope, looks like a US participant not an international one,

  3. JMAA says:

    Really surprised to see a Ruger Precision Rifle in the mix, not at all surprised to see so much AI. Wonder who all participated?

  4. Israel Hoffman says:

    “USASOC” Teams lol

  5. burdy says:

    Who makes that scope cage (with PEQ on top) in image #30 in the slide show?

  6. Stu says:

    It looks like a Larue Stomp.

  7. corsair says:

    Any info/idea on the top-3 team’s set-up?

  8. Zach says:

    Sitka camo is kinda interesting to see there. Can’t think of what foreign camo it could be.

    • JB says:

      The piece in the photo looks like the Sitka Jetstream Jacket in Optifade Concealment Subalpine.

      Not necessarily foreign, lot’s of dudes running around in Sitka and First Lite.

  9. Always a great event and looks like it was well done again this year. Nice to see the HOG saddle in so many pictures, and kudos to the photographers they did a great job as well!

  10. tangloppen says:

    first time i have seen a picture of a INOD-BlockIII in the wild…