Enforcing the standards is a tough job. It requires intestinal fortitude and impartial fairness.
—SMA Julius W Gates, USA Ret
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on Friday, March 29th, 2019 at 00:00 and is filed under Profession of Arms.
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Amen to that.
Not if you ask the officers currently. The NCO has both hands tied behind his back right now. Officers are untouchable, lower enlisted can do no wrong. NCO’s are getting shit on from both directions. I can’t speak for any other branch, but the Army is going straight to hell in a hand basket.
Same in the Air Force
Which army does not rely on its NCO corps as its backbone??
How about the [insert favorite weapon drop and run country] because they lack a backbone all together?
Any Arab military, Russia, China, etc. Some militaries don’t even have NCOs.
Many forces don’t have a professional NCO corps at all. NCOs are just appointed through time but don’t have the authority to work independently. Norway for example, they do national service, then if they want to stay they go right to an NCO school and become a Sgt- for a max of 3yrs I believe. After that they have to leave or take a commission. Makes for experienced junior officers- but they have no backstop of experience to help them.
Wow, that light green crappy excuse for real 100mph tape is much older than I thought. Oh how I despised asking for 100mph tape and getting that stuff instead of the OD green good stuff. It looked horrible and didn’t tear right.
Correction. A decentralized decision making structure that encourages NCOs and junior officers to be adaptable is the backbone of ANY effective military. It’s why the Marine Corps is so effective. All Marines are leaders, even the PFC.
“All Marines are leaders, even the PFC” sorry but that’s more of a tag line than reality. Anyone who argues differently is drowning in the cool aid.
It’s a nice idea, but not reality.
I feel for the NCO’s now. I retired before the whole military social engineering cluster-f—. Now the PC force is strong. Women as grunts and Dave is now to be called Donna etc.
(From an old SFC in the IDF)
Best SMA we ever had, Ranger Gates. Loved his style!
Stop making excuses and make it right in your formation! That’s the true difference. Nobody’s going to do it for you.