
An SSD Flexfit Hat – What Do You Think?

We are thinking about doing a run of FlexFit model 6606 in MultiCam Black with the SSD logo. What did think?

The minimum order has recently dropped from144 to 72. If you’re interested in having FlexFit hats done for your organization, talk to They are outdoor reps who work very well in the outdoor space.

51 Responses to “An SSD Flexfit Hat – What Do You Think?”

  1. G Senk says:

    Utah! Get me two!

  2. Jeb says:

    I’d be in for ordering one… I don’t need a reason for a new ball cap but being an SSD hat doesn’t hurt the cause

  3. MattAP says:

    I had some of those hats made for my company and they are awesome hats. Can’t go wrong with Multicam black; looks sweet and I think the fit is good too.

  4. Kyle Kata says:


    Can you use like one hat sale to fund the time needed to get a LetsEncrypt TLS cert for this website?

    I don’t know if anyone has told you this, but you’re losing traffic by not having TLS/SSL. Your SEO rank is being hit, and it’s willfully reckless to not have a secured traffic site.

    • stan says:

      i notice that every time, thx for letting them know.

      • Kyle Kata says:

        I let it go as long as I could! Recently I saw the damage done to a company I know where their login portal was on an insecure page like SSD’s is – and someone logged in to the admin section from a public wifi.

        I don’t know if Admin realizes that all our comments, his passwords, everything everyone clicks IS being logged somewhere between L3 and our ISPs. The SEO and google de-ranking of non-secure pages is also obviously bad.

        It’s just so easy to fix that yea I assume awareness is the issue.

  5. Alpha2 says:

    I’d buy either.

  6. BP says:

    Would buy – preference is MC black

  7. Stephen says:

    If it can somehow be made here in the USA!!! Sign me up

  8. Invictus says:

    I’d probably pick one up, but how about a run of the SSD embroidered velcro you put on your UberKuhl hat for us to DIY? That’s still my favorite SSD swag.

  9. MP says:

    Black MC looks dope! Anyway we can buy in the U.K.? Would love a an SSD hat.

  10. av willis says:

    I’m almost surprised tiger stripe isn’t an option.

  11. Charles Taylor says:

    I’m down for one

  12. Todd says:

    If you can ditch the button on top it would be more comfortable with ear pro

  13. Kyle Kata says:

    Also… Hat not SSL content; Is the squatchee really what you want? Nothing sucks more with muffs than a hat with a button on top.

    Having had flexfit squatchee-less hats for awhile now, I can’t go back to shooting with with one pressing into my head.

  14. Sasquatch says:

    I’d be down for the MCB version for sure.

  15. Adun says:

    SSD, may you please use a hat that doesn’t have the button at the top so that you can wear the hat on the range with over the ear ear pro without having it becoming a pressure point?

  16. JMAA says:

    Down for MC black without a top button. Please make international shipping not outrageous if at all possible.

  17. Jack says:

    Ditch the button and, personally, I much prefer single pattern/ color. Not a fan of the MC edith the solid back half. All or nothing please.

  18. Klaus says:

    Skip the button and sign me up.

  19. mike says:

    remove the button on the top and I’ll buy one in whatever pattern or color is available

  20. Jon Demler says:

    Dear SSDs,

    Being products that are very interested for sales. How much please costing for USA Camo Hat for shipment of Yakestonia?

  21. LCSO264 says:

    I’d definitely be in for one or two.

    I have to say, I agree about removing the button on the top….

  22. John says:

    Me want!

  23. Ex Coelis says:

    Definitely up for a MultiCam/SSD FlexFit hat sans top button! Please advise ASAP!! Got a couple SSD patches. Want an SSD hat(please)!!!

  24. Joe_K says:

    I’m game for the MC Black. Looks rad.

  25. Jeff S says:

    MC Black w/o button please

  26. Birk says:

    I would not only just buy it – I would wear it!

    I even think your logo could be a little bigger. I wouldn’t mind that.

  27. Mark says:

    Buttons…..why is this such a perceived deal breaker to so many?

    You guys know that with any hat with one of those buttons on top, that the button can simply be pulled off, right?

    • Kyle Kata says:

      Um… no. On most hats the squatchee is the keystone holding hat together. It’s typically a rivet and does not remove.

      Can you post a pic of hats where you removed the button please?

  28. Lasse says:

    I just want an unstructured 6 panel dad hat

  29. Skinner says:

    Remove the top button so I can use with earpro! (Wish more companies would realize this)

  30. Keld says:

    Can u send me one for test and evaluation for free?
    I have a gear website…

  31. jack says:

    You had me at “An”

  32. John Damarin says:

    Can you place an order for custom logo hats in quantities? Please let me know

  33. Casey says:

    I’m down for one in whatever color. To echo what others have said, I’d prefer a squatcheeless model for ear-pro comfort, but I’ve ripped them off other hats with no ill effects and I don’t mind doing that again.

  34. Brian says:

    I’d buy at least two of the MultiCam Black.

  35. Raul says:

    I’m down for two, one Multicam and one for whatever other color we settle on.

  36. Andrew says:

    Want one

  37. Sascha says:

    Hi ssd,

    Where and how could i get one or two of these hats?

  38. Trev says:

    MC black and Im in!!

  39. Robert says:

    I think it would look better in the MultiCock pattern showcased on SSD a few months back. Just my $0.2.

  40. EODMadBomb says:

    Nice! I’d be willing to test drive it for you.

  41. lcso264 says:

    what ever happened with this?

    • SSD says:

      I have decided to not move forward with the project. Few people are interested in purchasing one.

  42. AMO says:
