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USPA Approves Specified Round Canopy Jumping

On May 23, the USPA Board of Directors’ Executive Committee voted to allow USPA members to jump with the U.S. round parachute groups that are recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration. USPA members may perform static-line jumps with these groups using the groups’ equipment at their own airport locations, at FAA-approved airshows and demonstrations, and at events in foreign countries governed by those countries’ aviation authorities. USPA specifies that these static-line jumps must be at a minimum altitude of 1,500 feet above ground level.

USPA members who have been qualified by these groups to act as instructors and jumpmasters may serve as instructors and jumpmasters to anyone who is a member of a round canopy group prior to May 25, 2019.

This action removes any uncertainty about USPA member participation with the upcoming jumps by the round canopy groups in Europe in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944.

The approved Executive Committee motion reads, “Effective immediately, USPA members who are members of a civilian parachute group listed with the FAA’s National Aviation Events Program may jump with that group using the following equipment and altitude:

• Minimum altitude 1,500 feet AGL

• Static-line deployed

• Round main

• Chest-mounted reserve

• Reserve static line not required

• Automatic activation device not required

• Altimeter not required

USPA members who are members of such groups may act as an instructor or jumpmaster, if so qualified by their group, using the above altitude and equipment, for those members of the group who have made a jump with that group, using the above altitude and equipment, prior to May 25, 2019, and may act as an instructor or jumpmaster for any member of the group who is a graduate of a military jump school as verified by DD214 or other military records.

These allowances do not extend to jumps at Group Member DZs, but only to the groups’ own locations, and at airshows and demonstrations allowed by the FAA or another country’s aviation authorities.”

Those with questions about what activities fall under this motion can email safety@uspa.org.

Via The Parachutist

One Response to “USPA Approves Specified Round Canopy Jumping”

  1. AbnMedOps says:

    The Aircraft Owners and Pilot’s Association (AOPA) website has some cool video of a WWII airborne reenactor jump from C-47’s at a recent airshow, and will cover the upcoming D-Day commemoration jump in Normandy.