AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Brigantes Presents – High Angle Solutions -Steripen Adventurer Opti UV Water Purifier

When working in remote areas, accessing fresh, clean water is not always achievable. When on exercise or being on deployment, having this access is essential to ensure vital operations aren’t inhibited by illnesses caught from bacteria, viruses and protozoa.

The SteriPEN adventurer is the solution to this problem. Ultraviolet (UV-C) light rays safely purify clear water by destroying 99.9% of the pathogens mentioned above. (including Giardia and Cryptosporidia) When the treatment is complete, LED indicators flash to let you know that the water is safe to drink, ensuring clean water from any source within a matter of minutes.

Adventurer Opti is powered by two CR123 batteries making it a lightweight water purification system and keeping it operating effectively in even cold environments. The long-lasting UV lamp provides purifies up to 8,000 litres. Works in containers with a minimum 1.75 inch diameter opening. (Like Nalgene wide-mouth bottles one litre bottles. The SteriPEN doubles up as an integrated LED flashlight for added convenience. By holding down the activation button for three seconds, it will illuminate the darkness making the device easy to work even in the darker hours.

One caveat with ultraviolet purification is that it only works in clear water. Murky water blocks the UV light and prevents it from killing contaminants. If dealing with murky or cloudy water you will need to pre-filter with a product like the Katadyn Pocket Water Filter or similar device. 

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