GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

1st SFAB Names Themselves “Spearhead” Brigade

Announcing the name “The Spearhead Brigade” the 1st SFAB explained that they chose that name because “as the “First” SFAB we helped pave the way for our fellow combat advisors and the SFAB concept. Additionally, our patch features a spearhead which symbolizes the leadership and direction advisors provide.”

It seems like I’ve heard that name before…oh yeah.

18 Responses to “1st SFAB Names Themselves “Spearhead” Brigade”

  1. Matt in Oklahoma says:

    Just the tip

  2. Maroon Beret says:

    Just another sign that SFAB can’t decide what they want to be when they grow up. It’s a MACV looking patch (we’ve been there), with a tab (got that already in the Army), with mission that’s already spoken for (nothing new there), a set of initials designed to give SFAB credibility it can’t get on its own (because that already belongs to another Army element) that tried to get away wearing a beret with similar colors as another Army element because imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery? More like a lack of originality in more ways than one.

    • SFAB Cadre says:

      I didn’t want to do this here, but you left your duffle in the washout bunkhouse. We have been trying to get it back to you. Please reply ASAP.


      • JC says:

        “Pass a rigorous two-day assessment or a command interview and be selected for service in an SFAB (SSG and below)”

        C’mon, man. It’s super cool that you’re proud of what you do, but please don’t act like it’s some hardcore a&s to join SFAB.

  3. ThatBlueFalcon says:

    Ah, the SFAB… The short bus-special forces.

    • Stefan S. says:

      ding! ding! We have a winner! They need a long tab that reads “Special Needs”

  4. mudd says:

    GPF needs to ante up and compliment SOCOM’s components that are over-tasked and over deployed, with AA & AAA. Good on the Army.

    If you need merit badges to feel special, and deeply concerned that a new patch will displace whatever community your in… well that is telling.

  5. rnw says:

    Gen. Markley’s pet project, the 1st SFAB, will last about as long as Gen. Schoomaker’s pet project, the blue ASU.

  6. mudd says:

    The ASD SOLIC, (so SOCOM & conventional agreed) also noted GPF should pick up some AA & AAA weight.

  7. arche says:

    For some strange reason, every time I hear “SFAB” the Benny Hill theme starts playing. These units (totaling around 3-4000 troops?) seem to be running on flawed, decade or more old COIN theory fumes: the ultimate nice-to-have force that frees up CF and SOF to do the do while they build trust/find common cause with booger eaters, handing out pamphlets and contracts and money and sitting around getting sick shaking hands and eating indig meals. IMO, this is a pretty decent chunk of potential infantry and SOF men being wasted sitting on the bench until they inevitably jump through hoops reorganizing/equipping when we actually go fight someone….I guess the thinking is that we’ll have the luxury of months and months to do so when the balloon goes up. If “peacekeepers” are needed and since we no longer plant flags, I’ve found that the country in question is best left to its own primitive devices and/or not worth the blood and treasure.

    • Something says:

      The other advantage to the SFAB, other than freeing up SF from the FID mission, is that in the case of a large scale high-intensity conflict we can just flood the SFAB with recruits/draftees and we have ready-made BCTs. Much easier than standing one up from scratch and having to strip established units of their leadership to man a new unit.

  8. Ton E says:

    What ever makes them happy.

  9. Luddite4change says:

    Where the Spearhead goes….the shaft will follow.

  10. J says:

    Spearhead my old division. We were the Blood and Guts battalion within the 3rd Armored. Did not know they could reuse the name.