SureFire XC3

Rampart Range Day West Wrapup

Last week, Canadian Distributor Rampart Corp, held a Range Day in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia.

They’ve been holding some great ranges just before CANSEC each year. In this first year for a west coast event, they hosted 25 vendors and over 100 end users. Here are some of the highlights.

Joe Gajcevic demonstrates the effectiveness of a GLOCK 17 G5 MOS with Aimpoint ACRO combo.

Safariland less lethal demonstration. 40mm single shot and multishot.

ASP use of force demo.

Streamlight TLR-7A with two new tail activation options.

They even had a bear visit the range, who safely went on about his business.

Overall, the event went very well. No word yet on west coast dates for next year, but the Ottawa range day is scheduled for May 26th, 2020.


6 Responses to “Rampart Range Day West Wrapup”

  1. Bradkaf308 says:

    Yup the difference between Canadians & Americans. Armed bears or
    bare arms. I prefer both actually.

  2. Strike-Hold says:

    Wouldn’t be B.C. without a bear dropping in. 🙂

  3. Curt says:

    You are the only one I’ve seen posting anything about the TLR-7A with the new switch. Did they give timeline when they will be available? I think from the last post it was said you can NOT convert the TLR-7 to a 7A. The switch body is not interchangeable.

    • Alpha2 says:

      Going to ask same thing. I have not seen any updates from Streamlight.

      • g258 says:

        the switch body of NOT interchangeable with standard TLR-7’s

        The only retail folks I’ve seen with the new -7A (AL?) available are F3Tactical in VA.

  4. Curt says:

    I reached out to Streamlight and here is their response.

    “Thanks for reaching out! MSRP is as follows TLR-7A = $225.75. As far as
    an exact release date I don’t have information on that. The TLR-7A
    switches are interchangeable from a longer to a shorter switch, but you
    are correct in stating a TLR-7 cannot be converted into a TLR-7A.”