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AUSA 19 – B&T APC-9 with P-320 Compatible Lower

Brügger & Thomet, Swiss manufacturers of the APC-9 introduced lower receivers compatible with magazines for the 9mm Glock G17-series and SIG P320.

PRO customers, which are government procurements, can already order their APC-9s with either standard, Glock or SIg lower, in order to be compatible with their issue sidearms.

These will be available soon as an upgrade for commercial orders. On the APC-9, the upper receiver is serialized so the lower doesn’t require a transfer.

8 Responses to “AUSA 19 – B&T APC-9 with P-320 Compatible Lower”

  1. Joe Snuffy says:

    [quote]These will be available soon as an upgrade for commercial orders. On the APC-9, the upper receiver is serialized so the lower doesn’t require a transfer.[/quote]

    The lower isn’t a firearm until the P320 firing mechanism is put in it.

    • SSD says:

      You’re confusing this with a USW. All this consists of is a magwell and trigger group. The firearm is the upper receiver with the bolt carrier group and barrel.

    • JD says:

      The upper is the serialized piece on this weapon system. Like an MP5 or SCAR.

  2. Mike says:

    Any word on regular people buying APC-9s with the lower of our choice? Last I inquired one had to buy the APC-9 and then buy an additional lower if you wanted it to accept Glock mags.

  3. Victor says:

    Can I purchase one if I live in California?

    • Eric Lautz says:

      Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!……I feel bad for you guys! I really think other states should start raising MILTIAS and liberate Commiefornia, and New York, and Mass. And probably Hawaii too.

      • Oath Keeper1 says:

        Love brother, love

        • JOE says:

          Don’t forget us poor souls in the people’s Republic of New Jersey! I’m proud to say that not one “high capacity” magazine was voluntarily turned in after the law changed. You would receive support from the people that matter!