SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Coyote Brown Fleece Cap Now Authorized For Wear With ACU – At The Commander’s Discretion

According to US Army Human Resources Command, the Chief of Staff of the Army has authorized the Coyote Brown Fleece Cap for optional wear with the Army Combat Uniform at the discretion of commanders. This change will be reflected in AR/DA Pam 670-1 in 2020.

10 Responses to “Coyote Brown Fleece Cap Now Authorized For Wear With ACU – At The Commander’s Discretion”

  1. Jim says:

    But does it ‘glow’ white under II?

  2. Joe08 says:

    I am a commander and you have my discretion to wear the brown fleece cap.

  3. AbnMedOps says:

    Needs more titanium.

  4. Steve says:

    About time, I’ve been wearing it with ACUs since 2016 (as did my CSM). My totally not flawed takeaway is that if you just keep doing something the system will eventually conform to your reality.

    Will a DLATS brown fleece cap follow this change?

    • DUSTOFF says:

      There might be more truth to that than you think. I’ve seen tons of soldiers wearing that coyote fleece cap every winter since the OCP pattern was authorized for use in Afghanistan. I certainly have. This might just be one of those rare instances where the Army finally came around to what the soldiers’ want.

    • 86MTN says:

      I believe the USMC already wears the coyote brown fleece cap.

  5. Rowan11b says:

    The Army conveniently forgot that it was RFI issued for a long time, whelp time to break out the old coyote OR hat. Hopefully now we can focus on real issues like being understrength and having a fleet of worn out vehicles and weapons.

    • Big_Juju says:

      They can’t fix “being understrength and having a fleet of worn out vehicles and weapons.” That’s why they’re talking about fleece caps.

  6. Seamus says:
