SIG SAUER - Never Settle

CRKT Gulf by Ryan M Johnson

Although we aren’t close, I consider Ryan M Johnson a friend. Since founding RMJ Tactical, makers of tomahawks, he has spent quite a bit of time passing his craft on to others, many of whom are wounded warriors.

His latest creation is the upcoming GULF from CRKT Knives.

-Black Stonewash Finish improves Corrosion Resistance

-G10 Handle Provides Exceptional Grip in All Weather Conditions

-Low Profile Pocket Clip for Discreet Carry

Coming soon from

3 Responses to “CRKT Gulf by Ryan M Johnson”

  1. Mehmaster says:

    Any good for canoeing skulls?

  2. David says:

    Sadly, made in China with low-ball 8Cr13MoV steel ruins the entire package. Shame on you, CRKT. D2 is cheap and effective and far superior to 8Cr13MoV steel. You could have built it in Taiwan where the people are free. You should have done better but you blew it with this one – big time – especially for the $100 retail asking price!