
United States Space Force Emblem

We interrupt our SHOT Show coverage to bring you the new US Space Force emblem, recently tweeted by President Trump.

And for those of you who think that USSF doesn’t need camouflage in space, do you actually believe that they go there?

43 Responses to “United States Space Force Emblem”

  1. txJM says:

    Do YOU believe that they’ll go ANYWHERE that will require camo?

    May not be space, but sure as hell won’t be FOB Restrepo…

    • SSD says:

      I believe that spending money on yet another uniform is a waste of the taxpayers’ money.

      • Keith says:


        • 32sbct says:

          I applaud the new Space Force for showing common sense and fiscal responsibility for picking an existing uniform. There is no real reason why each service needs it’s own uniform. Now that the Army and USAF are all wearing the same uniform the Navy and USMC should follow. We all wore the Woodland BDU and DCU for around twenty years and that worked out just fine.

      • Ton E says:

        Yet the “new” Army Greens are a good idea……somehow!

  2. ARMORGuy says:

    Considering the USSF is part of the Department of the Air Force it makes perfect sense that they’ve adopted the Air Force’s current duty uniform. I seem to recall the Us Army Air Forces doing something similar when they were first formed.

  3. Jacob says:

    Politics aside, I this is ridiculous, untimely nonsense. No matter what uniform they wear. There will be a day when we do legitimately need a space force, but that certainly isn’t today and the tax dollars that went to this 1st grade level horseshit should have been spent on, if nothing else, our troops in actual danger. This isn’t an anti-Trump thing, it’s an anti-non-common sense thing. We don’t need this right now. Space is the one area where we generally get along with our earthbound enemies. Why disrupt that?

    • SSD says:

      So you’d like to wait…until it’s too late. Love that.

    • Ck says:

      You should be thrilled since you’re worried about tax dollars. The ONLY reason space force was created is the result of the Navy, Army and Air Force spend billions of dollars a year on their own space programs and not talking to each other about it. Aka multiple satellites doing the same thing. Space Force is the way to consolidate all of the individual spending that’s been occurring since the 60’s into one branch. Now instead of sending 4 mediocre satellites do to the different branches budget restraints we can get the needs of all the branches and send 1.

    • Easy E says:

      You’re premise is wrong. For years now, there are reports of China and Russia moving to quickly develop more space-based weaponry. Considering how reliant our military is on many space-based platforms, this absolutely makes sense. In fact, it’s long overdue. This isn’t a pro-Trump thing, but is absolutely common sense that we should recognize where technology has been taking us for awhile.

    • Logan says:

      So you know that in about 5 years we will have a lunar base with full time human habitation. You also know that in about 10 years, we will have full time human habitation on Mars. And you think there is no way anyone else on the planet is trying to go to space?

      There are like 10 countries trying to get to the moon in the next 5-10 years.

      You are either living under a rock or are completely ignorant. Why on earth (or space) would we not need a space military?

      Back in teh day of the first powered flight, there was probably a dude on the beach that was like “Ya know, in the future we are gonna need an air force…”

      And your grandfather was probably there too and he was like “Pssshhhh popycock, aint no one ever gonna need an air force for these contraptions…”

  4. Bill says:

    save money by using the Army / Air Force uniforms and by using Startrek’s badge.

  5. 370z says:

    Why does everyone keep saying it’s a Star Trek ripoff? It’s obviously descended from the USAFSPC MAJCOM patch:

    If anything Star Trek ripped off the flying delta from the Air Force. The delta has been in use as early as the 1940s by Army Air Forces in its imagery.

    • SSD says:

      Why do they say that? Because they don’t know any better…but they’re experts, in everything.

      • 370z says:

        So many people think that USSF is going to be POTUS’ version of Starship Troopers complete with delusions of dropships and shuttle door gunners. Little do they realize that this is the culmination of an idea that began almost 20 years ago.

        Without getting into the nuts and bolts of the decision tree, I will say that the creation of an independent Space Force will be of benefit to all of us.

        • Strike-Hold says:

          Don’t you oppress me with your superior knowledge, common sense and reason! LOL.

          But seriously, the level of stupidity, vocal ignorance, and sheer hysterical bullshit flying around about this story makes my brain hurt…

        • AbnMedOps says:

          I agree with the concept of an independent-ish Space Force, but I think it is a very serious error to allow it to grow out of the Air Force. Space Force should be part of the Department of the Navy, and hopefully before we go too far down the road to disaster it will be reallocated so. Buy me a beer and I’ll expound (at length) on my reasons…

      • txJM says:

        PR is probably something you should leave to your pops.

  6. Israel Hoffman says:

    I like it. I’m patiently waiting for them to open up the branch to more intra-service transfers. This really catches my interest. Plus all I’d have to do is swap the tapes on the uniform and call it a day.

  7. Bgh says:

    Regardless control of space is control of yesterday’s air, yesterday’s sea, yesterday’s land, pretty simple. A control of space is what all nations are after. We should and need to get there first. PS I really liked the first Starship troopers favored the shower scenes you guys puck which gender.

  8. Loopy says:

    Makes more sense to create a Cyber Force at this point.

    And if you think the creation of a separate space force was somehow tied into consolidating USG space efforts, saving $$, and eliminating waste… give me a break

    • SSD says:

      Agree on the Cyber Force, but this was the right move irt to space domain.

      • TominVA says:

        Right move? Ok, but that begs the question – actually the President already begged it – what mission in the space domain was the Air Force not accomplishing or not able to accomplish?

        • Loopy says:

          Great question. Btw, Anyone else remember the talk in the late 90s to rename the USAF the Air and Space Force or Aerospace Force? It was laughed at back then but if it actually happened perhaps it would’ve headed off all the nonsense we’re going through now

        • Yawnz says:

          What mission in the air domain was the Army Air Force not accomplishing or not able to accomplish?

        • Yawnz says:

          Ask that same question of the Army Air Force.

        • SSD says:

          This move gives a single service responsibility for the domain to focus resources and efforts.

      • Tom says:

        There is a Cyber Command within all branches of service… Maybe they can join to form the one true Cyber Command…

  9. The Hobbit says:

    My wife wants to know how patch will look on a red shirt…

  10. Joe says:

    Save more money, reuse UCP and TigerUCP, or at least authorize it for operational use on the Moon, our Star Force needs a palette that works in theatre.

  11. JK says:

    I would totally re-enlist to be a drop ship/starship trooper, Geronimo!

  12. GridSmasher says:

    Multicam Black seems like the obvious choice for Space Force camo.

  13. bloke_from_ohio says:

    So the USSF figured out how to solve the brown rank being super hard to see by using the same color palette the USAF used since the 80’s but abandoned when they switched to OCP. NICE!