As a business you will most likely feel a pause, but hopefully, this will be a short crisis and our economy can get swiftly back on its feet. As always, SSD stands ready to do what we can to help.
One of my goals when I created Soldier Systems Daily in 2008 was to serve as a resource for industry, both here in the United States as well as abroad.
To this end, we are waving the fees associated with sales announcements and offering them cost-free for the foreseeable future to help your business reach customers.
Just go here and fill out the form to upload your sales ad. We will review and post them to the site as quickly as possible after receiving them.
Additionally, trade shows, where you would normally launch new products, have been delayed or cancelled outright.
SSD is here to support your business, product, and service launches. There has never been a cost associated with this. Feel free to email us press releases in text format with photos less than 2mb each in size (no adobe acrobat versions). If you’re curious, our column width is 440 pixels.
SSD Readers – Keep your eyes on the Sales page for regular updates. We also ask that you support those businesses that support us as advertisers. Many have stood by us since the beginning and they will be focused on their survival during this time.
Let’s all get through this together.
-Eric Graves