RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

In Memoriam – SMSgt Ron Kellerman (USAF, Ret)

We just received this tragic news from our friends in the Grey Beret Association. What a senseless loss of a great man who served for many years in the Special Tactics community. He will always stand as a shining example for present and future members of Air Force Special Warfare.

May He Rest In Peace

Brothers & Sisters ~

With great sadness I am informing all of you about the recent death of our Special Tactics/SOWT Friend, Teammate, Mentor, Leader and true BROTHER

Ron Kellerman – RHK

RHK was killed on 29 March 2020 at his home on Roatan island in Honduras – Details are still being compiled

Ron was a key leader in SOWT for many years, serving at Fort Bragg, Rhein-Main, and Hurlburt Field. He was a Master Parachutist, Military Freefall Jumpmaster, and recognized communications expert. He was a plank holder Detachment and Team NCOIC with the 10th Combat Weather Squadron, and later served at both the 720th Special Tactics Group and HQ AFSOC. Following a full and illustrious military career, he transitioned to a civilian GS position at AVTEG and served the nation in a highly critical role there for over 15 years until recent retirement just a few months ago.

It’s fair to say he directly influenced everyone in the SOWT specialty. The tributes we are seeing to him are overwhelming. The word “Mentor” is woven in to nearly every single post. I’ve known him since 1986 and I have never heard even one negative word said about him. He was one of the nicest guys you’d ever meet and was loved by all who knew him.

Ron’s influence and expertise extended far beyond the borders of the SOWT community, and his significant accomplishments and contributions to Air Force Special Operations as a whole were recognized in 2005 when he was inducted into the Air Commando Hall of Fame.

His wife Maria is currently in Spain with her Mother – Efforts are in progress to get all the pieces and parts squared away with her movement, security of their house, etc. I have spoken with Maria, and I let her know we loved Ron and we love her – And will do everything we can to assist her however possible.

More to follow as we learn it – This is a very sad day for all of us.

-USAF Grey Beret Association

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