
Modern Day Sniper Launches Online School House

Founded by Marine Scout/Sniper Caylen Wojcik, Modern Day Sniper has launched an online schoolhouse to provide training in the technical aspects of precision long-range shooting, particularly as it relates to military and law enforcement applications.

The structure is more of a guided correspondence course approach, where the student purchases an entire course. Within the course, the curriculum is structured in modules, broken down just like an in-person course so that the student can have the next-best experience to being there in person and being coached. Each module will have a downloadable PDF, outlining the content of the module, which will eventually make up the Modern Day Rifleman’s manual.

The initial offering is Circle of Components, but they plan to expand quickly with Fundamentals of Marksmanship, which they believe will most likely be the most popular course they offer. after that is The Technical Rifle Hunter, Long Range Shooting 101, Positional Shooting, Tripod Shooting, Intro to Competition, and Long Range 201.

The overall goal is to become central point for information regarding military sniping and long range shooting in general.

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