Protact by Haartz

What In Tarnation Is That Thing?

Geissele shared this photo in their IG account, to show off their new Iridium anodizing. Cool? definitely. But what had us scratching our heads was the muzzle device.

16 Responses to “What In Tarnation Is That Thing?”

  1. schowgun1775 says:

    Looks like a muzzle device from a DL-44, maybe gen 3 or gen 4?

  2. Jimbo says:

    It’s the new Geissele LOUDENATOR FIRETHROWER.

    • Jon D. says:

      Can’t be, it has to have Super in front. Maybe the Super Loudenator Firethrower?

  3. Stephen Chih says:

    That’s the StarWars Blaster Brake.

  4. Scott says:

    Reminds me of the cone flash suppressor from the AR-180S.

  5. Mark says:

    I need one of these for my DL44.

  6. mudd says:

    ala M1 carbine, ala mg42, ala krikovs, ala sov DPM, ala etc….

  7. PTM says:

    Definitely a Loudener.

  8. Brian says:

    I want one. I don’t know why but I do.

  9. Geoff says:

    Super Modular Blast Deflector

  10. Maskirovka says:

    Blunderbuss conversion kit for first Thanksgiving reenacting and turkey harvesting. Restricted in CA as a scary assault pilgrim device.

  11. Shozo says:

    Reminds of the muzzle device on the end of the Enfield Jungle Carbine.

  12. Thunder says:

    They are doing this bc they are terrible at anodizing ddc. Also the super modular blast deflector is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

  13. Joe R. says:

    It’s there to remind you to shoot first.

  14. straps says:

    Looks like the muzzle BOOSTER of the MG42.