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Assessing Revolutionary And Insurgent Strategies (ARIS) Studies – Free Publications

If you want to understand what is going on in American cities, check out these free publications from the US Army Special Operations Command. This research was conducted by the National Security Analysis Department of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.

Many SSD readers will just nod, but some of you will have your eyes opened once you read about how insurgencies are conducted. Take for example, that fist on the cover…look familiar?

There’s a whole library available. Get yours here.

99 Responses to “Assessing Revolutionary And Insurgent Strategies (ARIS) Studies – Free Publications”

  1. Brendan says:

    Excellent reading and so much relative information!

  2. Brandon says:

    So is SSD labeling a movement seeking social justice as being undertaken by insurgents? That would be an incredibly concerning attitude for military personnel to have.

    • tom.a.hawks says:

      Yeah, it’s definitely an insurgency.

    • TominVA says:

      This ^

    • E says:

      Its not military personnel or veterans having any attitude, its literally the definition of insurgency. The advocated cause is irrelevant to the meaning of the term.

    • Jason says:

      “Social justice” is just a nice word for socialism. Most of these groups want little to do with actual justice. It’s more about revolutionary Marxism, and they’ve been pretty open about that from the start. Many of the tactics are the same.

      • YHC says:

        Exactly! Sounds like Brandon is lost. It’s not a movement seeking social justice when they are involved with anarchy and destruction. If you want the rest of the country to empathize with your cause, don’t hurt or kill them.

    • Joe_K says:

      @ Brandon, @ TominVA

      Oh, yes, of course, how could we be confused, *EVERYTHING* that’s been going on in our country that involves strife and chaos in our cities revolves entirely around a movement that is wholly dedicated to social justice. No, smoke, no fire, no rioting, looting, shooting, stabbing, or calls for socialism, just a peaceful group of protesters upset that a criminal was wrongfully killed by some corrupt cops. ?????

      • Mehmaster says:

        Well it’s a common knowledge that insurgencies only exist when the government drops the ball and lacks credibility in the eyes of the population. Maybe just maybe they expect alot more from the government leading the most powerful nation that has existed in the history of man.

        • SSD says:

          When leaders of multiple major cities fail to fulfill their mandate and facilitate riots, they set the stage…they are complicit.

          • iggy says:

            When leaders of multiple major states fail to fulfill their mandate and facilitate riots, they set the stage…they are complicit.

            • AbnMedOps says:

              When voters of multiple major jurisdictions fail, decade after decade, to fulfill their duties and responsibilities as citizens to elect and support only those who understand and take seriously the oath to “Support And Defend the Constitution”, and to likewise undertake a personal commitment to the same, they set the stage and are complicit.

              “A Republic…if you can keep it.” – Some old, dead white guy from Philly

              • Tom says:

                When multiple mainstream media outlets fail to fulfill their mandate and facilitate riots, they set the stage…they are complicit.

                • AbnMedOps says:

                  Ah, but those multiple mainstream media outlets ARE fulfilling their (not usually overtly stated) post-usurpation, mandate…they are acting as key elements of the
                  propaganda wing of the Marxist/Collectivist, anti-American revolutionary movement.

          • Mick says:

            “We support control by local government…
            …as long as we agree with it.”

          • Mike says:

            Sorry SSD but that´s quite a bold and in my opinion over-simplyfied claim you’re making here! Have you been there? Have you done an on site assessment of the alleged “insurgency”? Have you witnessed the decision making process of those leaders?

            As an ex-member of 2 militaries and someone who actually has experienced real life “socialism/marxism” who did experience a civilian (in the end peaceful) uprising that our superiors at the time called an insurgency- I can tell you guys, that whatever liberal claims you might consider socialist ideas in your country has nothing to do with real life socialism. And l truly hope you never find yourself in a position to be “used” against your fellow citizens.
            You guys might not like it- but there are things one can not – or rather should not see trough military eyes in a free democratic civilian society – once you have experienced it otherwise you never forget what it´s worth.

      • lcpl0420 says:

        Criminals need to be prosecuted in order for the rule of law to be respected. It should not matter if you are an anarchist throwing a brick or a member of law enforcement that participated in an illegal use of force. There is no contradiction in this statement, and anyone encouraging people to pick which criminals they support should be ignored. As Joe_K implied, crime does not have 1st amendment protections. You must know Joe_K that Breonna Taylor was not a criminal. Anyone that claims to respect the Constitution and does not view that incident through the lens of the 2nd and 4th amendments needs to reread the document.

        • ArmorGuy says:

          And in the case of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd legitimately constituted authorities have taken appropriate action under the constitution to facilitate justice.

          You know what violates the constitution? Primary the right to due process under the law? Trial by media and mob.

          • Mick says:

            “Civilians murdered by people using police shield to avoid accountability? NBD.”
            “Media saying mean things about people I like? That’s the real crime!”

            • Snafuperman says:

              Meanwhile the families of hundreds in Chicago, and dozens of cities just like it, are wondering how 9 people “earned“ national rioting while their losses in black-on-black violence were utterly ignored by BLM, the media, and the national conversation as a whole.

              I’ll believe this was about “justice“ when the inner city death tally isn’t ignored by BLM and the media. Since that day will NEVER come, this is nothing more than feral Marxist children rioting in a national hissy fit until proven otherwise.

    • some_guy says:

      If you haven’t figured out by now that “Social Justice” is just code word for anti-American Marxists, I have news for you.

    • Chuck says:

      lol social justice

      That’s what they’re calling communist subversion these days

      • Bushman says:

        There are several videos of the lectures and interviews given by Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector, back in 1983-1984 on YouTube. It might be shocking to anyone who isn’t familiar with this topic to watch and compare the techniques he described with what’s going on right now.

    • Brad says:

      Surely you’re joking.

    • Huh? says:

      You think that burning down buildings, murdering children and assaulting others is social justice?

      You’re either an insurgent yourself or a useful idiot. Either way, you are part of the problem.

    • SSD says:

      Labeling a movement? I’m just a trained observer.

    • thomas says:

      Dr Martin Luther King lead the fight for civil rights and justice for all people while on the other hand these people have nothing to do with civil rights or justice for that matter. They are insurgents funded by outside and inside sources that are seeking to fundamentally change our way of government. The insurgents openly seek to eliminate our civil police force, change our constitutional rights, eliminate capitalism, eliminate wealth except for themselves, obliterate the traditional family and promote genocide within our society. Their goal is to institute a Marxist form of government on our country. What we are seeing in our streets is the implementation of the philosophies of liberal progressive professors and political leaders that have been taught and promoted from the sixties until now. We even have a candidate for President that supports de-funding the police!

    • FormerSOWT says:

      Or incredibly naive on your part.

      Great post, SSD! Thanks for sharing this great website.

  3. Adam says:

    It’s like FM 3-27 but relevant to Americans.

  4. Iggy says:

    Excellent resource and pertinent to our time. Decentralized civilian groups taking up asymmetrical resistance against toxic government is a important part of democracy. Portland is a storm in a tea cup, this stuff needs to make its way to Hong Kong and Tehran.

    • Chuck says:

      Yeah, backed by the world’s mega corporations and a totalitarian communist regime. Some “resistance” you got there.

      • iggy says:

        it doesnt matter who they are backed by – the US, the commies, apple, OPEC, the Saudis – resistance is resistance and those that get anywhere do so by similar means. trustafarian socialist hypocrites in Seattle, fat open carry mommy boys in Missouri, graduate lawyers in HK or progressives in Iran, organizing to push back against any state is a basic of democracy. voting only goes so far.

        • Chuck says:

          Tell me more about “democracy” and how often it appears in the constitution.

          • Johnny says:

            Yea Chuck, I’m guessing “iggy” is one of those smooth brains that thinks the United States is a democracy and not a constitutional republic.

        • Bushman says:

          It seems like you are taking it totally out of context. Indeed, pushing back against the state is a measure that _people_ can take _once voting doesn’t get them where they want to be_. But the areas (counties, at least) where most of the rioting happen are exactly those where people get what they want – Multnomah county of Portland, OR voted for Ted Wheeler and Kate Brown. So, it’s not, by any means, a point where they tried voting and it didn’t get them anywhere closer to what they want. It’s like burning your trash instead of waiting for the trash truck to pick it up a day later.
          And I emphasized “people” because in these cases, it’s a tiny group that has nothing to do what others really want. However, others are too confused by the massive propaganda they see and hear everywhere that serves some political purpose (electing people like Brown and Wheeler).

      • lcpl0420 says:

        Which totalitarian communist regime are you referring to Chuck? North Korea? President Trump said he fell in love with their communist dictator. The PRC? Read what his former National Security Advisor said about Trump’s subservience to Xi, his endorsement of the Uighur concentration camps, and his requests for PRC help in his reelection. There is a reason Trump’s former Secretary of Defense described members of the administration as people “who would make a mockery of our Constitution.”

        • Ed says:

          Clearly you are off your meds, you should call your therapist ASAP! The TDS is strong with you! 😉

        • Huh? says:

          You believe that guy? The one who was fired and is so full of shit even the people who like his lies don’t trust him? Well, at least Bolton sold one copy of his book.

        • SNAFUPERMAN says:

          Subservience to Xi? You mean the part like banning Chinese nations from the US, fighting a trade war with China that smacked down their economy, pushing for worldwide condemnation for their handling of the Wuhan Flu, fighting Huawei 5G, getting in China’s face nonstop in the SCS, and trying to limit Chinese nuclear forces under New(er) START?

          Quoting a source that says what he says to specifically make money is not a way to win credibility.

          And while I like Mattis, he’d have us fighting in Afghanistan for the next twenty years. It’s a civil war, not a threat to the US, and it’s time to come home and concentrate on China.

    • Brad says:

      Violent mobs are not democratic.

      • lcpl0420 says:

        Shay’s Rebellion, the Newburgh Conspiracy, the Whiskey Rebellion, the specter slave revolts. The founders were aware of the threat of violent mobs and knew they could not be part of a healthy and free society.

  5. J says:

    This is literally the preppers and boogaloo manual… eye opening.

    • SSD says:


      • J says:

        You know the type….I’ll paint a picture- the people stockpiling rifles and toilet paper hoping for a civil war to break out so they can sell it to people at a 1000% profit. I don’t trust any of those people. You’ll recognize them by the Roman numeral III on the back glass of their undoubtedly lifted 4×4 at the Circle K with a box of unopened tiki torches in the front seat and the Chapter 11 bankruptcy paper work for their bro vet t shirt company in the center console, the company that failed “because Hillary used a private email account.”

        As much as the social justice warriors are annoying, there is no comparison to the type of cringe that gets pandered to the MIL/LEO community these days. QAnon? Birthers? Crisis Actors? Pandemic Hoax? It’s all so embarrassing..

        I definitely don’t think we can fairly label all protests as riots. Behind all the chaos that is being plastered on a tv and social media, there are some real injustices that need to be addressed. Young men like Philando Castile don’t deserve to be executed in their vehicle. Daniel Shaver shouldn’t have been executed for failing the hokey pokey in a hotel hallway. All of us have a horse in this race. I don’t have all the answers, but I am glad that the questions are being asked.

        • TominVA says:

          Very well said!

        • Ed says:

          J, you sound very lost yourself. Words matter and the true definitions of them matter! A protest is supposed to be peaceful, and if a group or tenement want to bring attention to something they have an issue with, it would be in their best interest not to bring negative attention by destroying public and private property! You probably didn’t intend your comment to conflate the bad behavior as a result of idiot’s on the PD but you did. Me personally, I agree that guy in the hotel shouldn’t of been killed. Not too familiar who the Castile person is. All in all the RIOTS and total anarchy in Portland, Seattle and Atlanta to name the worst is not Protesting!

          • J says:

            I’m just as irritated and annoyed as I can be about riots and bedlam in these cities. It’s distracting from the real message and concern that the public has. What’s more specifically unbelievable is that people are mourning broken windows and spray painted walls and toppled statues more than the people who are getting killed.

            Just as we can’t label all Police officers as Extra-judicial Assassins, you can’t label all protesters and demonstrators as rioters. The peaceful guys can’t even protest because they get shouted down from the executive offices for doing so. Colin Kaepernick comes to mind.

            I’m apprehensive of attributing protest and public assembly as subversion and insurgency. I think that’s bold.

            • SSD says:

              Everyone one of those broken windows, looted businesses and torched domiciles affects people. The same people you claim to want to help.

              So far, the mobs you are cheering on have killed more black people than the police, including several children.

              Maybe you ought to reassess who you’re supporting.

              • Mick says:

                The problem with this argument:
                It’s mirrored, exactly, by anti-gun groups re: murdered schoolchildren.
                Most gun owners argue, legitimately, “the actions of an irresponsible few shouldn’t result in my individual rights being infringed”.
                There have been literally hundreds of days of BLM protests in dozens of cities w/o broken windows, looted businesses and torched domiciles.
                So why is this different? Just because you don’t agree with the politics?

                • SSD says:

                  The issue isn’t protests. The problem is the violence. I have yet to comprehend why people attempt to conflate the two. It’s okay to support the rights of others to protest and to simultaneously decry those who commit violence. You can have one without the other.

                  I’m sorry your myopia clouds your ability to see that those who claim that “lives matter,” aren’t holding those who take them accountable. You seem to have joined them by trivializing the issue.

                  Gun owners aren’t out violently protesting, or shooting people for gun rights. In fact, when people break the law, gun owners are the first to vilify them and not attempt as you have, to gaslight those who see that murder is wrong.

                  The arguments aren’t at all similar. In fact, your argument in favor of the murder of children at the alter of a political movement is one of the most morally questionable things I’ve read in a long time.

                  • J says:

                    I have yet to comprehend why supporting a protest and increased accountability of lethal force in police actions automatically means I support violent rioters? Is that not conflating the two? You’re claiming I’m cheering on mobs- I’m certainly not.

                    And talk about gaslighting… accusing mick of being in favor of murdered school children? Come on, man… we can disagree about something and not resort to a witch hunt. Well, except for the preppers and boogaloos- they’re weird.

                    • Mick says:

                      Yeah, I didn’t think I was being unclear that I was analogizing arguments as opposed to advocating for the murder of children.

                      But SSD is right, protests and violence are two separate things, and the conflation goes both ways. In these comments, people talking about BLM and other similar groups, I responded (correctly) that it’s protected 1st Amendment activity to belong to those groups, and SSD responded to the effect of “my constitution doesn’t say you can loot and burn places”.
                      That’s a pretty significant conflation right there.

                      So I’m glad SSD was able to pull it apart and realize the difference between protest versus rioting, even if he went an conflated my analogy w/ “in favor of the murder of children”.
                      So much of this stuff is viewed through similar political lenses, just from opposite sides.
                      When the bundy’s seized a federal installation, when unite the right & tiki torch bearers were assaulting and killing protestors in charlottesville, when anti-mask militants armed themselves and intimidated lawmakers from conducting business in a statehouse, did SSD put up posts saying “hey these things check blocks on the insurgency checklist”?

                    • Huh? says:

                      J/Mick, since you’re obviously the same guy. I’m with Eric on this. You’re no victim here. You’re definitely cheering on the insurgents.

                • Snafuper says:

                  This is a stupid argument. There is ZERO moral high ground when you destroy public and private property in the name of “justice” and cause more damage and death than the original sin. There is ZERO moral high ground when you complain about the lack of black opportunities then burn down black owned business or businesses with black employees making things WORSE. That’s full retard right there. There is NOTHING about rioting and smacking elderly with 2x4s that wins people over to your cause. ANTIFA and BLM Inc are nothing more than Marxist riot groups trying to win concessions via violence and fear. Call them what they are – domestic terrorist organizations.

                  • Philip says:

                    That’s all they are… but their sympathizers in the equally Marxist media have spun the narrative such that criticism of them is “racist”; and they will use that self-awarded moral high ground to shout over and shut down anyone not toeing the ideological line.

        • El Terryble" says:

          The fact of the matter is that, while there is misinformation put out by Alex Jones types, there is an actual conspiracy (the coordination of more than two people to commit a crime) by people like Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, George Soros, Ilhan Omar, Jeffrey Epstein, and many others throughout America’s institutions, to bring down America’s constitutional system and erect a one-party, Communist-style dictatorship on its ashes. This is verifiable fact able to be determined by anyone with an IQ higher than Joe Biden.

          The death of George Floyd was a pretext, this has nothing to do with racism or police brutality, this is a Marxist Revolution quickly deteriorating into civil war. People like Jim Mattis, Mark Esper and Mark Milley have betrayed their oaths and sided with the domestic enemy. Act accordingly.

          • TominVA says:

            “verifiable fact”

            How has this conspiracy been verified?

            • Philip says:

              KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov openly admitted that was the Soviet Union’s goal, you absolute pinecone.

              The USSR might be gone, but the Marxist undercurrent that supported it is not.

              The practice is called “ideological subversion”, and the concept behind it is to whitewash Marxism to appeal to the sensibilities of Westerners by indoctrinating persons of influence, who in turn will continue passing it on through media, academia, and entertainment.

              Read Bezmenov’s works. I also recommend The Sword and The Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive.

              • TominVA says:

                No, the marxist undercurrent is no more, along with the USSR. Sure you can find a commie or two here and there, but no, there is no credible i.e., something we need to really worry about, marxist conspiracy.

                You guys need to abandon all this conspiracy nonsense. I’m sorry if life and / or career hasn’t worked out the way you wanted. Happens to a lot of people. You’re in good company. Come up for air. Walk in the sun. Life can still be good.

                We DO need to worry about the three year old in the Oval Office who has no understanding of our institutions, has degraded our national politics to the level of a Jerry Springer episode, whose personal politics are defined by how something makes him feel about himself, daily neglects the responsibilities of his office, and may still have access to the nuclear button.

                Vote Biden this November. Just once. It’ll be ok. You won’t lose your guns (because no president can do that all by himself), and you don’t have to tell anyone.

                • SSD says:

                  What rock do you hide under? The founders of BLM have proudly told us they are “trained Marxists.” Take a look at any Antifa protest and the hammer and sickle is in full display.

                  Nope, Russia isn’t Communist anymore, but the most deadly scourge in history lives on. And people like you who pretend it doesn’t exist help it right along.

                  • TominVA says:

                    Not hiding. I know, trained marxists. It’s a yawner. Like I said, a commie here or there. Don’t like them, don’t vote for them if they ever run. Right now the clear-as-day real and MUCH bigger threat to our country’s safety and stability occupies the Oval Office. Vote Biden in November.

                    • SSD says:

                      If you think the country is headed in the wrong direction, Joe Biden helped get us here. His record of “pubic service” speaks volumes.

                    • TominVA says:

                      Whatever issues any of us may have with Biden’s record of “public service” are not important right now.

                      There are plenty of Dems who probably will not vote for Biden or abstain or write in their dog’s name because their personal fav didn’t get the nomination, and they want to vote their precious little conscience. They are wrong. There are plenty of Republicans who, because of their concern for this or that issue, will vote Trump even though they understand who and what he is and despise him. They are wrong. Biden is not the candidate that should be challenging Trump, but he’s the candidate we…ALL OF US…have.

                      THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE for our country right now is to vote out that spoiled little boy along with all his yes-men/women and get level-headed adults back into government. NOTHING else matters as much.

                      We don’t need a landslide, but we do need a very solid, uncontestable win so his crew won’t be temped to pull any rigged election garbage.

                      Somewhere out there are better Democrat and Republican candidates who will, hopefully, emerge for 2022 and 2024, and we can all start voting according to our lesser concerns. But for now, our country needs us to do this.

                      BIDEN 2020

                    • SSD says:

                      You’re spending a lot of energy advocating for a man who has held his boot on the neck of minorities for decades.

                    • TominVA says:

                      As I’ve said, Biden is not the candidate we should have right now, but he is the candidate we do have.

                      So, is Trump really that bad?


                      Trump is a disorganized buffoon. His is childish, impulsive, graceless, and a total narcissist. He is amoral and arguably a sociopath. He is certainly no patriot. He has little knowledge of and no regard for our government and its institutions. He has no politics – he is a true RINO. The presidency? It’s just what he’s doing now. America? It’s just where he lives. And he’s the Commander in Chief and has access to the nuclear switch.

                      This is about voting out the most ignorant, inept, and thereby dangerous (to our country and the world) president in our lifetime and well before, maybe ever.

                      Do not merely the right thing, but the absolutely vital thing.

                      BIDEN 2020

                    • SSD says:

                      You have undermined any legitimacy you think you ever had. There’s nothing right about voting for Biden.
                      Standing for him is standing for true institutional racism. He wrote the laws.
                      Voting for him when you realize he has dementia is terrifying. You want to give a man the “nuclear switch” who challenged a voter in the campaign trail to a fight. You want to give the most powerful office in the world to a man who can’t remember his name or where he is. Insanity.

                • Philip says:

                  I have detested your liberal bleeding-heart posts ever since you surfaced here some years ago.

                  It’s not a conspiracy. Firsthand testimony of dozens of ACTUAL KGB defectors told us this was the end goal. Hundreds of thousands of pages of now-leaked Soviet espionage documents confirm the same. You are deliberately ignoring reality if you think Marxism died with the Soviet Union.

                  Gramsci specifically wrote of using media, academia, and entertainment to subvert resistance, because it was more subtle than direct action while still achieving the same result; albeit over a longer period.

                  People like you are the “useful idiots” Lenin referred to in his goals of furthering Marxist subversion, because your insistence that it’s not happening or is “just a conspiracy” are working exactly as intended — you serve as the outlet for normalization of such subversion. You deflect and whitewash the truth until the populace has been conditioned to accept it.

        • Norm says:

          None of those assholes destroying cities and neighbourhoods even know who Castile or Shaver are.

        • Huh? says:

          No, these are manuals written for professionals to identify threats. Your lackadaisical attitude Is fantastic news for those seeking to undermine our nation.

  6. Danielp40 says:

    Drank the kool-aid did we? Social justice? Seriously? Real justice doesn’t destroy property that was not purchased with its own hard work and money. Justice doesn’t block roads that it does not not own. Justice doesn’t beat people with differing viewpoints over the head with bicycle locks. Justice doesn’t throw projectiles and lob fireworks at those who oppose them. Justice doesn’t kill policemen upholding order. Justice doesn’t blind policemen with lasers. Justice doesn’t create chaos. True justice creates peace. Real justice cannot be hijacked and perverted by social causes. If people try to impliment justice through social means then you end up with anarchy and lawlessness, every man doing what is right in his own eyes. That my friend is what we are seeing in our streets, and it has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the meaning of that word you used.

  7. El Terryble' says:

    Do Esper and Milley know about this? They seem to be on the side of the “peaceful protesters”, and this could be deemed “counter-revolutionary”, and like they say in the great David Lean movie, Dr. Zhivago, “You know what they do to counter-revolutionaries?”

  8. El Terryble' says:

    Some great books for those interested in this subject and indicative of what we are up against include:

    Vasily Grossman’s- “Everything Flows” and “Life and Fate”


    John A. Stomer’s, “None Dare Call It Treason..25 Years Later”

    Mao Tse-Tung, “On Guerrilla Warfare: Translated and with an Introduction by Samuel B. Griffith II,”

    Richard Pipes’ historical trilogy, “Russia Under the Old Regime”, “The Russian Revolution”, and “Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime”.

    Antonio Gramsci’s, “Prison Notebooks” and “Selections from Political Writings”


    Georg Lukacs, “History and Class Consciousness”, for those willing to get into the nitty gritty.

    W.C. Skousen’s, “The 5000 Year Leap”, and “The Naked Communist”,

    And Mark Levin’s “Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism”, “Ameritopia” and “Liberty and Tyranny”,

    *links edited by SSD to facilitate page loading.

  9. GANDIS says:

    Prof Beyerchen looks more visionary everyday. Wold War IV has already begun and social science is going to be the determining amplifier. Imagine defeating world powers without ever setting foot in the opposing country or firing a shot.

    That man is on to something.

  10. Amer-Rican says:

    Antifa, BLM, the KKK, and the democrat party are not compatible with freedom and peace in our constitutional republic. Act accordingly.

    • Ed says:

      100% Agree!!! Don’t forget other politicians from the R party that are in cahoots with Demo’s and the aforementioned marxist groups! They all need to go!

    • Mick says:

      1A protects right to assembly, including joining groups you don’t like.
      It’s EXTREMELY compatible with our constitutional republic. It’s literally in the constitution!

      • SSD says:

        And? Show me where it says you can murder, commit assault, commit arson, falsely imprison, loot and destroy property. I can’t find it in my copy.

  11. PTM says:

    Look at the graffiti spray painted on the federal buildings where the rioting is happening. You have, literally, to close your eyes to it, to deny this is an insurgency against the United States of America.

  12. Matt in Oklahoma says:

    “Peaceful” lol

  13. Mehmaster says:

    So if it’s an insurgency then the good guys need to be doing their hearts and minds routine with duffle bags of op funds no? Political concessions? A conversation?Instead its a giant fuck you to the inflamed population by shooting paintballs at people and other shit. This is all political theater as Rome burns.Thousands dieing from corona per day, massive unemployment, unprecedented deficit spending and Putin is paying haqqini to kill Americans. But yeah keep your eyes fixated on the skinny jeans advocado toast hipsters in Oregon. They really are the biggest threat to the republic

    • El Terryble says:

      Yeah they are, because BLM and Antifa are the armed militia of the Democrat Party – a Communist Party in all but name – that already controls the schools, the courts, the universities, entertainment, and 90% of all information disseminated throughout the WORLD through Leftist control of tech companies, such as Google and Facebook.

      • Mehmaster says:

        Do not fear the night brother. DJT and the upright men of the DNC will save western civilization as we know it . Tonight they will have resurrected Ronald Reagan using stem cells harvested from discarded foreskins and cybernetics by TESLA. In his second coming REreagan will beat back the communist hordes and make more guns for more people just like he did in his first life…. Except in California where he will
        legislatively restrict gun rights because of colored people owning them…. Just like in his first life.

        • SSD says:

          That is the dumbest thing you’ve written, and you’ve got one hell of a track record.

          • SpartanDieselTech says:

            I feel like I should go see an oncologist after having read it.

        • Ed says:

          Dude, as nicely as I can say it, you are a FUCKING idiot! If you are just trolling us, then good on you, if your 100% serious, then refer to my first compliment! 🙂

  14. El Terryble' says:

    This is all just the spontaneous eruption of protests, like how Benghazi was the result of that video on Youtube, that resulted from years of “systemic racism” and oppression by the white majority.



  15. Island says:

    “The tactics of repression include indictment, infiltration,
    physical attacks, harassment, threats to job and school access, the spread of false information, and “anything else that makes it more difficult for the movement to put its views before relevant audiences.” (p.16)

    “Beyond co-opting leadership, this process also includes appropriating the language, symbols, and tactics of the resistance, assimilation of resistance participants, transformation of resistance goals, and regulation of enacted changes by state or vested interests.” (p.19)

    Following the gun rights rally in Virginia, both of these tactics were used with great success against the various conservative groups that had successfully come together in a common cause. The “boog” imagery and meme were quickly co-opted by extreme anti-government groups on both the left and right. Additionally, even moderate supporters who were emboldened to speak out have been labeled racist and doxxed for expressing their views.

  16. AbnMedOps says:

    Better download your copies before the link is severed.

  17. Andrew says:

    I think I just earned a “I’m just here for the comments” T-shirt…

  18. FormerSOWT says:

    Or incredibly naive on your part.

    Great post, SSD! Thanks for sharing this great website.

  19. TominVA says:

    People are angry with good reason. Yeah some badies out there taking advantage. This country’s been through much worse. No conspiracy. Democrats are no more marxist than republicans are Nazis – yeah some extremists vote one way or another. Nothing new in that. I do feel bad for the good cops who’ve been doing it right all along. They don’t deserve this.

    Some of you guys really need to get outside. Get some sun. Go for a run or something. Sheesh.

    BTW, everyone American needs to vote for Uncle Joe this November. Just this once, ok? Won’t hurt, and you won’t lose your guns, I promise.

    • Huh? says:

      Vote for Uncle Joe Stalin?

      Oh, you mean that old racist white guy who saved the world from the likes of Corn Pop and likes to touch children and sniff hair. The Joe who can’t remember where he is. No thanks, his campaign website says he wants to take guns.

    • Snafuperman says:

      The guy with a VERY clear case of dementia desperately trying to avoid being in a single debate? The guy can’t even remember to put on pants without help, and can’t even get a sentence out without babbling incoherently. There is a reason he is HIDING in the basement…

      Wouldn’t be surprised if his Secret Service call sign was SNIFFER.

    • Philip says:

      I miss the days when we actually put seditious anti-American subversives in prison.

    • Philip says:

      You like to act as if you’re some enlightened middle-of-the-road centrist, but your posts here have betrayed you for what we all knew you to be: an out of touch leftwinger with a superiority complex.

      Your candidate talked of “racial jungles” and said nothing when HRC called minorities “super predators”. Your candidate rubbed elbows with and praised the likes of Robert Byrd, one of the most despicably hateful racists in recent memory. Your ideological cohorts helped pass laws that disproportionately charge and incarcerate minorities. Your ideological cohorts expanded the welfare state that has broken countless homes and gutted the nuclear family, whilst keeping multiple generations in poverty and dependent on the state. Your ideological cohorts have fully embraced the platform of the very system we spent the Cold War fighting. The only difference is that you haven’t co-opted the name. (Yet)

      And like a good little foot soldier, you will shill for whoever the DNC puts forth because you’re that punch-drunk for the cause. You support a candidate who, despite nearly a half century in office, has been personally involved with dozens of the laws and policies that created the brokenness he now claims to have the answer to.

      You can have your half-baked posturing, because the rest of us aren’t.