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Rand Corporation – “The American Way of Irregular War – An Analytical Memoir”

“The American Way of Irregular War – An Analytical Memoir” by Charles T. Cleveland, Daniel Egel is downloadable from Rand Corporation.

This memoir explores the strengths and limitations of America’s current irregular warfare capability and provides recommendations for what the United States must do to develop the world-class American way of irregular war it needs. This analysis is based on a detailed examination of Lieutenant General Charles T. Cleveland’s career, the majority of which was spent with U.S. Special Forces, and his experiences in Europe during the Cold War, Bolivia, El Salvador, Operation Just Cause, Bosnia, and Operation Iraqi Freedom, as well as in command of 10th Special Forces Group, Special Operations Command South, Special Operations Command Central, and U.S. Army Special Operations Command.

One Response to “Rand Corporation – “The American Way of Irregular War – An Analytical Memoir””

  1. Jimbo says:

