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Registration Underway for Certificate in Public and Nonprofit Leadership for Veterans

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Registration is underway through Sept. 2 for the Certificate in Public and Nonprofit Leadership for Veterans, a new, online leadership development opportunity for Veterans; those about to leave military service; and individuals who work with Veterans.

The program runs from October 16 to March 26 through The Ohio State University’s John Glenn College of Public Affairs and is a partnership with the National Veterans Memorial and Museum. The program aims to help Veterans transition from the clear organizational structure and culture of military life to the more ambiguous organizational structure and culture of civilian organizations.

“Military service is the best on-the-job leadership training in the world,” said Lt. General Michael Ferriter, U.S. Army (Retired), President and CEO of the National Veterans Memorial and Museum. “Veterans bring so much to the workplace, but it is important to help them invest in professional development to continue to grow and thrive in their civilian careers. That is what this program is all about.”

The program is designed for individuals who already work or plan to work in a civilian job and hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, or a high school diploma with significant leadership experience. It is a graduate-level program where participants acquire six credit hours that may be applied to a degree program at Ohio State or another university.

The certificate consists of two courses, each worth three credit hours. The first addresses leadership in public and nonprofit organizations; the second in leadership development application. The emphasis is on experiential knowledge and the experience of Veterans in leadership positions is actively used to help illustrate the general principles of organization and management.

“Veterans who are transitioning to civilian life can feel like they are speaking a different language than the business leaders who might hire them,” explained Glenn College Professor Jos. C.N. Raadschelders, Faculty Director of Professional Development and Training Programs. “The Certificate in Public and Nonprofit Leadership for Veterans smooths that transition, bringing together Veterans who are called to serve in civilian life to learn from each other and civilian colleagues, build lasting relationships, and demonstrate the value of military experience and leadership to civilian employers.”

Veterans applying for the upcoming online program will be able to use their G.I. Bill® benefits through the VA. Registration information can be found at

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