SureFire XC3

Sneak Peek – Heavy Cover Inc’s Mess Kit

If you’re a fan of European-style mess kits like I am, you’ll love this new, upcoming addition to the Heavy Cover line.

This multi-piece design includes a single cover, with handles for each component.

The new mess kits are in currently production and they should have them available first week of October.

5 Responses to “Sneak Peek – Heavy Cover Inc’s Mess Kit”

  1. Sunny says:

    Looks like Titanium.
    Should be pointed out – if its Titanium, its the main feature of this product.
    Have you even visited their website?

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      They have lots and lots of titanium on their site. Would have been nice to mention this. Only the P-51 can opener is not. I am crestfallen. The P-51 is much too heavy! It must be made from titanium too! They failed in their mission to make everything from titanium!

      Actually I like the design of the big pot with the additional grips to hold it easier. To fold over the carry-handle to hold them when hot, is always a bit awkward on these pots. But made from stainless steel would be fine by me.

  2. Zach says:

    You spelled your name wrong.
    Francis is spelled F r a n c i s

  3. Zach says:

    This set is glorious, I love my swedish set and all euro styles. I want to know the price badly and will not pay stupid titanium prices. Stainless is fine for most of us I totally agree.

  4. JBar says:

    Been waiting for this a few years.