SIG MMG 338 Program Series

USSOCOM Science and Technology Small Business Innovation Research 20.3

USSOCOM’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) team needs solutions for the following special areas of interest:

Phase I:

SOCOM203-001 – Positioning, Navigation and Timing for Target Acquisition

SOCOM203-002 – Handheld Celestial Navigation System

SOCOM203-003 – High-Performance Multi-Platform / Sensor Computing Engine

SOCOM203-004 – Geospatially Integrated Cyber Situational Awareness

Direct to Phase II:

SOCOM203-D007 – Maneuver Level Laser Target Designator

SOCOM203-D008 – Deployable At-Sea Mid-Wave Infrared Emitter

SOCOM203-D009 – Interoperable Simulation and Gaming Mesh

Visit SOFWERX for more information.

One Response to “USSOCOM Science and Technology Small Business Innovation Research 20.3”

  1. TheScrutineer says:

    “SOCOM203-D009 – Interoperable Simulation and Gaming Mesh”

    The Army used Virtual Battle Space (VBS was a govt. vers of the ARMA II engine I think) for some time. Don’t know if they still do

    It’ll be intersting to see what newer tech they can leverage for use in simulating unit level ops.