FirstSpear TV

Pre-Order – Stars and Stripes Plate Carrier from Shellback Tactical

This Red, White and Blue plate carrier is made from 500D Cordura and is outfitted with an integrated kangaroo M4 mag pouch, 3D spacer mesh padded shoulder pads, PALS webbing along the cummerbund and kangaroo pouch, and laser cut PALS loop panels.

10 Responses to “Pre-Order – Stars and Stripes Plate Carrier from Shellback Tactical”

  1. Lasse says:

    How to make money:
    Buy Shellback stocks.
    Spam the link in various political echo chambers.
    Sell stocks before 20th of January.

  2. Jack Black says:

    This will be bought up by all the MAGA morons parading around in tactical gear…

    • richard says:

      Even living in Africa I found it a little odd standing outside a poling station dressed for an urban assault

  3. lcpl0420 says:

    I do not disagree with the posts above, but I am sure there will be some buyers because they think this is a fun product and there is nothing wrong with that.

  4. GANDIS says:

    It’s a sad commentary when patriotism has been subverted for a political tool.

  5. Mehmaster says:

    It’s a cool product. I hope it does well.

  6. jjj0309 says:

    What’s up with these condescending, pretentious schmucks spewing out “muh politics” every time they sees striped banner? Why does the red, white and blue triggers you so much, what are you, Dixies? Refrain your god damn autism and seek political flamewar on somewhere else.

    • Iggy says:

      Because that flag guarantees them the right to, just like it does the right to the weapons this armour is to protect against. Maybe get Yourself a hammer and sickle or foxtel logo design if you don’t want others to say stuff you don’t agree with.

      • jjj0309 says:

        Flag does not gives you the rights, the constitution does. And the constitution can only protect you from government, or forces restraining or infringing your rights to freedom of speech, and I am a god damn random Korean asking for self-discipline to bunch of smartass folks politicizing over a god damn red, white and blue themed product on a god damn blog that suppose to present these kinds of gears. No one asked anyone to send you, or them to gulag, drama queen. I used the word ‘refrain’ for a reason.
        Demanding manner and common sense does not violate your rights, and if I was in my country, and if I wear or possess anything resembles the hammer and sickle I can be arrested by the local law and the constitution. Yours does not, and you should respect that. The flag comes with the responsibility, and it does not just automatically gives you rights to speak freely. and call out anyone disagree with you as some kind of commissar dictator who demand arrest without warrant.
        I see people marching in the streets with almost any kinds of flag in states, striped banner or hammer and sickle. That’s called freedom, and you have your duty to protect your freedom. Yet you don’t respect that freedom or duty, and labeling someone as Communist because he called out your stupidity. Last time I checked either under the value of US flag, or constitution does not forbid people from telling others to get a grip.
        Never treat your freedom of speech as some kind of your personal Jesus, savior or special card to pull out any situation you met dissenting opinion.
        And what the hell is foxtel anyway?

        • Lasse says:

          Red, white and blue plate carriers have been around for a good while. Gellman Gear made one in 2014 that was posted here, it was funny. Then Mission Spec did one with Mat Best and those dudes when they were funny back in 2016.

          This is 100% a political move from Shellback due to the current political climate in the US. If you think it’s so weird that people comment on that, then that says more about you than about us…